Chapter 73 - Catch up

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Y/n's POV :

Christmas left as soon as it came. It was a pleasant two weeks that consisted of spending time with my friends and family and eating more than we could manage in Christmas pudding and roast potatoes.

However two very bad things happened over those two weeks, muggleborn families were attacked by death eaters in Hogsmede and something in my gut told me Reg was part of it. That was 23 people all together, found dead. Burned alive in their houses and one woman murdered in her front garden. The other bad thing was that my poor little cat Wilbur had died, he was very old and it was no shock but I was heartbroken all the same. My dear little companion since my first year at Hogwarts and before was gone.

It was the day we went back and I heard nothing of Reg. Not once had he spoke to me since he yelled at me and I was determined to get him at school, it was more urgent than ever. There was so much to be said I just needed to get back to school.

"Goodbye my love." My mum hugged me tightly. "Look after yourself now won't you? I'll see you in a few weeks."

"One of the last times we ever pack you off to school eh?" My dad grinned and hugged me too. "Stay safe y/n, you lot look our for each other okay?"

"We always do." James smiled. "See you in a few weeks." My parents got round to Sirius and Remus too saying goodbye to them and then we were off on the trian.

We ran through the wall back onto platform 9¾, on our way back to that magical castle we called home.


"It's awfully close." Lily mumbled looking at a copy of the daily prophet. "I mean Hogsmede isn't far from Hogwarts... And it's muggleborns being targeted-"

"No one will get to you. Either of you," James said firmly looking at Mary and Lily. "I promise."

Lily put her head on his shoulder and held his hand. Mary looked worried too, no one mentioned how Reg was probably the culprit of all this.

I honestly felt so miserable and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to be cheerful like I usually was but my boyfriend was most likely a murderer, I was going to fight a war soon and my bloody cat had just died. I put my head on Marlene's shoulder and she put her arms around me.

Me and Sirius exchanged knowing looks, he knew exactly what I was thinking somehow he always did. We both just wanted to find out what was going on.


No visit from Reg throughout the entire train ride, I first caught a glimpse of him at the feast. He looked half dead, dark circles under his eyes and his skin was paler than usual. His hands shook slightly though he tried his best to hide it. I just wanted to hug him so badly and heal him like I did last time but this wasn't as simple as some cuts and I could see it from a mile off.

That night in the common room James was passionately planning a prank, something about a charm that whenever a Slytherin called anyone a slur the floor would get all slippery beneath them so they fell. I was helping him plan how to invent the spell, which would be a challenge in itself. "I'll go to the library and get some books on it before it gets too far into the evening." I offered and the others nodded.

I walked through the dark hallways, lit by warm candlelight, to the library. There were a few students walking about but I saw more cats roaming the halls than people. It made me miss my cat.

The library was always a nice place to be at night, something about the tall dark wooden shelves and floating books with windows that overlooked the forest and quidditch pitch was just so comforting. My eyes scanned along the shelves looking for a book about inventing jinxes and then I found one that looked promising. It was on quite a high shelf so I had to stand on a chair to get it. As I reached up, I lost my balance a little but felt some familiar hands on my waist, holding me back from face planting.

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