Chapter 30 - Retaliation.

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"R- someone told me to tell you to watch your drink." I said hurriedly "I think Snivellus spiked it with something." His eyes widened in realization and Sirius, Peter and the girls looked a mix of confused and alarmed.

"Oi Lupin!" Snivellus called over earning a glare from eight angry Gryffindors. "Tell us your biggest secret." He smiled wickedly and I wanted to punch his big nose.

"I- I'm a-"

"Silencio!" I cast a silencing charm and the rest of the words were mute. It had caused quite the scene in the hall as Sirius and Lily stood up to take Remus out, I wanted to go with but it was just going to start rumours as it was.

Severus and his little friends were laughing- no, cackling as Remus walked out, red in the face and Sirius threw him a very rude gesture.

"The slimy bastard!" Marlene exclaimed, she knew Remus's secret and so did Mary. There were no secrets in this group we all were past that and now they were even more happy to help him. It saved the 'he got ill again' excuses.

I was too angry to eat after that, how dare he go and do that!? He was trying to expose Remus in front of the whole school that would ruin his life, get him expelled and everything. It was turning into an endless cycle of revenge and I wanted no more of it.

"I'll kill him." I grumbled, even James looked angry and he was like a beacon of positivity. I didn't care when they did things to me, but that was our Moony. They crossed the line.

We stood up and walked out when the feast was over, I waited behind outside the great hall. Marlene knew. She waited with me, while the others went ahead. We were synced up like that, so alike each other we had clicked the first time we met.

And there he was, Severus Snape walking out the hall with his little friends and my boyfriend. "You foul, poisonous piss bag!" I grabbed him right by that disgusting green tie and slammed him against the wall. I punched him right in the face as he tried to push me off but I was powered by fury. The best part, his friends didn't even stop me. Not that I was looking over at them but it was McGonagall who pulled us apart. Snape had got a couple of kicks in but when we were pulled apart, his big nose was bleeding.

I didn't like hurting people, I would have felt horrible but he just tried to hurt Remus and that would have ruined his entire future. I hated him. McGonagall's shrill voice bought me back to reality. "Miss Potter what is the meaning of this!? You are to come with me this instant!" As I looked around I realized a crowd had gathered and right at the front was Reg, arms crossed and looking right at me with a smirk.

Marlene looked stunned, I had blood on my knuckles from his nose which was kind of gross and I realized as I calmed down my face was really starting to hurt. He had got a punch in too but not nearly as bad. "Try any of that shit again and I'll hurt you! Understand?" I yelled at him as madam Pomfrey made a fuss of his nose.

"Miss Potter!" McGonagall commanded me to come with her, and I actually quite liked her so I didn't want to make her any more angry at me. I walked out the corridor to her office with my head held high. That was karma for him.


"I have never been so ashamed of you in the six years you've been here! I do hope there was some justifiable reason to this!" She was pacing her classroom angrily while I sat back on a desk, arms crossed.

"He tried to expose Remus Professor!" I realized I was raising my voice so I calmed down a little and continued after taking a few breaths. "He put truth serum in his drink then the whole school would know. If I hadn't of used silencio, his life would be ruined! Remus didn't deserve it at all!"

"20 points to Gryffindor." McGonagall said with a small smile.

My draw dropped in pure confusion "what?"

"20 points, for quick thinking, defending a friend. And a months detention for beating a fellow student to a pulp! I understand why you were upset, it's almost nice that you care about your friend that much but outbursts like today can not happen again." She was going easy on me because my friends and I were definitely her favorites. "I shall be writing to your parents tonight."

I groaned, I would either get off very lightly with them or get a very harsh telling off. My mother would probably send a howler saying how violence was wrong and my dad would tell me good job, but not so my mum knew of course.

"Goodnight Miss Potter." She said making it clear it was time to go back to my dorm. "I'll see you at 5 tomorrow for detention."

"Goodnight." I stood up and walked out, detention sucked but I would do it again. Maybe now Snape would stay away.


As I entered the common room, everyone turned to me and started to whisper. I ignored it and walked straight to my dorm to go and wash the blood off my knuckles. Well, I made an entrance. Started the new year off with a bang.

There was a knock on the door followed by Lily's voice "Y/n, Marlene just told me what happened. Can you come out?" She sounded like a mother, worried and caring but I knew I was in for a telling off.

I opened the door and went to sit on my bed. I lifted up my shirt to reveal a big bruise on my ribs, oh well. I put my shirt back down and moved my attention to Lily "Alright?"

"Alright? Alright!? You just beat up Severus." She seemed very conflicted, Severus used to be her friend but what he did was unforgivable.

"And I'd do it again. You saw what he did." I said bluntly, I could see why James loved her, she was brilliant.

Lily sighed and hugged me "I can't forgive him. He's no friend of mine. But are you in trouble? That bruise looked nasty."

I hugged her back, "It's nothing worth fussing over. Do the boys know?" I asked her as I changed into some comfy clothes.

"The whole of Gryffindor knows. By the end of tomorrow everyone will." She chuckled and unpacked some of her things.

I laughed a little "I've got a months detention. But I won so..." I shrugged with a small smile.

The boys burst in "Y/n Potter, woman of the hour!" Sirius said dramatically and picked me up so I was sat on his and James's shoulders. They started singing like the Olay, Olay, Olay muggle football chant "Fuck Sevvvv, fuck Sev, fuck Sev, Fuck Sev, Fuck Sev, Fuck Sev! Fuck him!" The boys sang loudly parading around the dorm still carrying me.

"Put me down you buffoons." I laughed and they put me down.

"I could have sworn I heard you yelling." Peter chuckled and Remus smiled shyly.

"You didn't have to do that for me." He smiled and I gave him a big hug.

"Shush anything for our moony. I'd do it again if he pulls anything else." I smiled.

Remus smiled softly, he still wasn't used to people doing things for him and it showed a lot.

Marlene came and sat on my bed "You were scary Y/n." She chuckled "you looked like you wanted to kill him."

"Mum will kill you!" James laughed.

"I wanted to hit him so hard he would think twice before messing with the marauders again." I grinned, I wasn't a violent person. I had hexed a few deserving people but never a full on fist fight before.

"It was too far." Mary agreed and everyone nodded in agreement. "The bastard, it was just sick."

"Well. Y/n started the term off with a bang anyway." Sirius laughed.

Oh yes I did.

((Sorry the chapter was out late exams are a ball ache
- Author :)

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