Chapter 59 - Charms classroom

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((Smut Warning))

I had gone from looking forward to potions class, to dreading it, to not really feeling anything about it. Reg and I spoke a little so it wasn't awkward and it was better than never seeing him.

"Morning Edgy Reggie." I said as I sat down in my place next to him, I hadn't called him that in a while.

"Morning." He smiled a little and I got out my textbook of advanced potion making. Today we would be brewing felix felicis which was incredibly difficult.

Cauldrons were layed out on the desk along with the utensils required, we had to walk to the shelves and the cupboard to get our own ingredients.
We began to brew and I began to cut up my sopophorus beans except it wasn't working at all. When I looked around, even Lily was struggling to cut them as they bounced around everywhere. James was trying to stop his from falling off the desk and Sirius stabbed aimlessly at them and almost stabbed James in the hand.

"Oh buggaring fuck." I muttered and was seriously considering just throwing them in the cauldron, maybe this was why I got a fail last year.

"Try crushing them." Reg advised me.

"This is dangerous honestly! Look the book says to cut but they won't stay still-" I caught a bean as it bounced up.

"Let me help." He chuckled and came behind me. He put his hands over mine on the knife to help guide me, standing close behind me. I really hoped I wasn't blushing as he held my hands and helped me crush up the beans using the flat edge of my knife "There." He said and when he went back to his place I found that I really missed his presence.

"Thanks." I smiled a little.

"No problem darling. Still crush them though, now it will just be easier." He gave me a smile, he was so gorgeous.

"But the book said to cut them." I said unsure of what to do now. "This could be a sabotage!"

Reg just laughed a little at what I said "I saw it in Severus's text book he annotated it. You want to know something? I'm sure your brother would love to know." He smirked.

"Yeah go on." I smiled intrigued.

He leaned and whispered in my ear which nearly gave me goosebumps. "Severus calls himself The Half-Blood Prince. It was written in that textbook of his. Property of the Half-Blood Prince."

"What a tosser!" I laughed, it was truly like he was trying to be Reg. Regulus could pass as royalty just the way he was, the Slytherin Prince. "James would love to know that."

"You didn't hear it from me alright?" He smirked. "It's pretty bad I'll admit."

"That's even worse than poor wormy. Except he chose it himself!" I looked over at Reg, it was nice just being able to talk with him without any drama. I hadn't had a conversation with him properly since the breakup.

"How was Hogsmede?" He asked casually but I knew what he meant. He was bitter I could tell but to anyone else they wouldn't see it, but then no one knew him like I did.

"Reg don't make a big thing out of something small." I said calmly as I stirred my potion. "Freddie's my friend. That's all."

"Your friend who clearly has a thing for you." He shrugged. "I'm not making a thing out of it sweetheart I was asking a question."

"Well you don't need to worry, I've never been a fan of butter beer dates." I said simply and I saw as the corners of his lips turned up into a hidden smile.

"He seems like a good guy-" He began.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at him "He's a nice guy sure, but he isn't you." That answer seemed to satisfy him as he smirked a little and I went back to brewing my potion.

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