Chapter 83 - Birthday present

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After breakfast, I went to actually get dressed to go to London. Reg came to my dorm with me, everyone else was outside in the sun. It was a warm day for March everything was pretty much perfect.

Reg was sat on my bed, petting Bear as I rummaged through my wardrobe. "I'm not sure what to wear." I sighed.

"Then let me find you an outfit." Reg smiled and checked all the clothes in my wardrobe "ugly, ugly, ugly" he sighed as he pushed the clothes to the side one by one. "I'm just kidding, this is hot though." He took out a leather skirt and held it up against me as of imagining how I would look in it.

"Not for the day, for the party maybe." I grinned.

"Okay deal." Reg smirked. He pulled out a over sized white button up shirt, black leather trousers and a short black cropped top. He then walked over to my bedside table and picked some long gold necklaces and enough chunky gold rings to go on each finger, he looked as though the decision he made was with the most thought and consideration. "Perfect." He smiled. "Now try it on."

I quickly got changed and grabbed a back leather handbag with a golden clasp that matched my jewelry and put my purse, lipbalm, wand etc in there. "What do you think?" I asked.

"Looked better in my head... Maybe it's just you." Reg shrugged.

"Excuse you!" I frowned and crossed my arms.

"I'm joking!" He picked me up and twirled me around then placed me on the floor with a quick kiss. "You look beautiful, as always."

"You redeemed yourself I guess." I said pretending to be annoyed but I was trying not to smile and he could tell.

We walked out of my dorm and down through the castle, Reg held my hand more often lately, the days when we used to hide or pretend to hate each other were long gone and I didn't understand how his friends hadn't told his parents or anything. They were probably too afraid of what Reg would do.

Once we got to hogsmede, we walked down the same alleyway I found Reg smoking weed a few weeks ago and I looked at him "you ready?' I asked knowing we were about to apparate.

"Yeah go on." He nodded and just like that we were in the middle of London.

We were allowed out of Hogwarts on weekends but we needed a permission slip from parents. Reg definitely wouldn't get one so I didn't even bother. We just wouldn't get caught.

Reg smiled down at me, that smile I had never seen him wear with anyone else. "Where to first?" He asked with a smile

"Let's walk around the shops first, I want to explore a bit." I smiled. Muggle London was electric. It was different to diagon alley or Hogsmede, there were busy people with suits and brief cases rushing to get to work on time, big red buses hurtling past us on the road, we could smell the food as we walked by various different take-away shops, a man with a long hair was busking in the street with a guitar, singing about peace and love and all that. I threw a ten pound note in his hat that he had on the floor.

We went to a lot of clothes shops then a fancy restaurant which was a rooftop garden with fairy lights and flowers such as rose bushes. We had a view of the whole city and it was beautiful.
After we finished lunch, we walked around for a little bit just exploring the big city until a guitar shop caught my eye. "Reg look!" I was star struck by the guitars in the window. I had never played a guitar in my life, it was a muggle thing that wizards just didn't get introduced to but something about the sound of an electric guitar, especially when Brian May played, was magic in itself.

"Oh yeah, that one looks like the one that guy played at the queen concert." Reg pointed at a red special hanging on the wall, Brain May's signature guitar.

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