Chapter 88 - Cruelty

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Smut warning

"Would you believe it?" I sighed.

I was in the bath with Regulus in the prefects bathroom telling him about how Peter acted with the prank. The sunlight shone in through the stained glass windows and the whole place smelled like roses.

"What a knob jockey." Regulus shook his head. "Don't listen to him y/n I'm sure nobody else does." I was sat in front of him as he put shampoo in my hair for me. An hour ago, I had come to him stressed with my workload and he had come up with this idea to help me relax and it was working. "What is this big prank of yours anyway?" He asked as he massaged my head.

"I can't tell you my love." I smiled. "It's too secret."

"But I'm your boyfriend!" He frowned and I dipped down the rinse the shampoo out and then turned around to face him.

"You are but you are also a Slytherin." I reminded him and sat in his lap feeling his skin on mine.

"I can't help that." He began as he kissed down my neck. "Don't be so cruel to me." He said dramatically.

"Aw no y/n's so cruel to me!" I pouted mimicking him started rubbing his dick.

He sighed with pleasure "you are." He said eyeing my body "just shut up and come here." He pulled me in for a deep kiss. I put my arms around him and kissed him back, pressing my body against his. He grabbed my ass and then gently pushed his middle two fingers inside of me. I moaned against his lips and he kissed down my neck. He started to rub my clit with his thumb and stroked his fingers against my g spot. I hid my moans in his neck and he held my face and moved it so I was looking at him in the eyes "I want to see your face love." He smiled and I looked into his eyes whimpering a bit. "Good girl."

"Reg I'm gonna-"

He grinned and pulled his fingers out "No you're not. I'll be cruel too." He teased.

"Reg! That's not fair." I couldn't believe he just did that and it was embarrassing to admit but I was desperate.

"Oh how can I say no to you?" He smiled and shook his head. He bent me over the side of the bath and smacked my ass before slowly putting his whole length inside of me. We both hummed in pleasure as he did. He gave me a minute to adjust and then started pushing in and out with his hips holding onto my hips. My moans echoed around the bathroom and he started to go faster. "That's it, you're doing so well."

"Reg please don't stop this time." I was practically begging him as I could feel myself getting close.

"What?" He grinned and rubbed my clit, unable to take his eyes off my body.

"Please don't stop!" I felt the tension building up and the muscles in my legs getting tight then a huge sense of release and Reg didn't stop.

"Good girl." He said going a bit slower and leaned over to kiss me. "You look so beautiful when you cum for me now it's my turn." He started speeding up again and I could hear his breathing getting heavier until he threw his head back and groaned and I knew he had finished too. I could feel it all on my back.

We both sat in the water, catching our breath. "That was really good." I said with a smile and a satisfied sigh.

"It was." Reg smiled and put his arm around me. "Remember when I first saw you in here?" He grinned.

I laughed "I was so embarrassed. If I remember rightly we had just thrashed you at quidditch."

"Thrashed is a strong word." He chuckled.

"I don't think it is." I smiled and kissed him. "I love you Reggie."

"I love you more." He hugged me tightly and he gave me a look. I'm not sure what he was thinking, he just looked at me with a small smile but like he was deep in thought.

"Reg?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Hm?" He blinked being brought back to reality.

"What were you thinking?" I asked running my hand through his wet hair.

"I was just hungry I am let's get dinner." He smiled and stood up.

I didn't believe it was that but I didn't ask any further. We got dry and dressed and went to Hogsmede, even though it wasn't a weekend but we couldn't eat together in the hall.


I walked into the common room in the evening and all my friends were sat in their usual spots. "Y/N I'm sorry about earlier." Peter frowned looking at me for forgiveness.

"That's good. I'm not." I said plainly and James sighed while Sirius smirked.

We chattered for a bit and Sirius asked "Anyone fancy a night time smoke? Y/N?"

I shook my head. "I'm not proud of how I acted a few weeks ago, I'm actually disgusted with myself. I don't really like weed anymore."

Lily put her hand on my shoulder. "It's alright darling you were in a lot of pain. I'm glad you're better now. Don't be hard on yourself."

James stood up "I'm off for a bath in a bit you lot." He smiled and we all thought nothing of it. I didn't want to tell him what had happened in the prefects bathroom earlier he might never go in there again.


James's POV

For some reason, Regulus had asked to meet me. I wasn't sure why and he told me to absolutely keep it top secret so I did. I wasn't sure if I was about to get jumped but I was hoping he had matured since that little scrap we had. I had gotten used to y/n and Reg by now. At first I was far from pleased but it was clear they loved each other so who was I to judge. As long as my sister was happy.

I walked to the stone circle and saw Reg standing there he looked awfully nervous. "You alright boy?" I asked him hoping for an answer as to why I was here. This was very unusual behaviour.

"Yeah you?" He nodded awkwardly.

"Not bad not bad. So...what's this about then?" I was sure it was not to stand around and make small talk.

"James. I want to marry your sister."

((Kind of a short chapter just thought I'd drop a bomb shell and leave you lot waiting xoxo
Remember to give my other book some love I've got some good ideas for that one
Lots of love
- Author :)

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