Chapter 52 - September 1st 1977

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I had made up my mind most firmly to enjoy the rest of the summer, even without Reg. But it doesn't always work like that. As far as my friends and parents were concerned I was fine, but it was when I was alone in my empty bed late at night that it all came crashing in again.

Lily had gone home a week ago, she was going to see her family before we went back to Hogwarts. James and Lily took about 10 minutes to say good bye. Saying 'I love you' and 'I'll call you' in between kisses to the point where Remus and I were nearly puking and Sirius was in fits of laughter.

No one mentioned Reg. They knew it was a sore spot for me so they kept quiet and so did I. Until it was 1st September 1977 and we were getting ready to go to the station. It was our final time doing this, Seventh year.

"I'll miss you don't get into too much trouble!" My mother said giving us all a kiss on the head. "Y/n you will write and tell me what happens won't you?" She asked me.

"Of course." I nodded, maybe I'd miss out with couple of details.

"Good. Have a great year and remember exams are important but the most important thing is that you make the most of it." She told us all with a smile.

After saying our goodbyes, we apparated to Kings Cross with our trunks. I held my trunk in one arm, my cat in the other. We all ran through the wall and came out on platform 9¾.

"Oi Potter!"

Both James and I turned around to see Lily, grinning broadly as she ran up to James and kissed him. James smiled happily and picked her up, I was happy for them. They were perfect.

When I saw Marlene and Mary, we bundled into a group hug, all squealing and happy. They didn't know what happened with Reg and I yet, I was relying on Lily to tell them for me. I just couldn't bring myself to.

Mary started chattering about all the Summer romances she had with countless boys as we got onto the train.
"And then we went back to his house and we-"

"I bought you all sweets!" Marlene interrupted, the topic seemed to be bothering her and I wasn't sure why.

"Aw thanks Marls." I smiled and took some of the haribos. Where was Reg? He was on my mind now more than ever I wanted to see him. I wanted to see if he was okay and part of me was scared he was going to break up with me.

Lily and James were chatting about being head boy and girl together and I knew full well McGonagall did that on purpose. I bet she had placed bets with Dumbledore on if they would end up together.


Not once did Reg come find me, that whole train ride. Perhaps his friends just had him occupied. That was fine. I could just find him after the feast.

We all sat in the hall tucking into the feast. When I looked over at the Slytherin table I saw Reg, he was paler but his facial expression was meaner. He didn't say a word to anyone, not even Barty. And not once did he look in my direction.

Lily could see I was looking over and gave me a reassuring smile. I tried to return the smile but I had so much on my mind. At least it was my favorite dinner, roast chicken and Yorkshire puddings.

Leaving the hall, I waited as my friends walked on to the common room. I had to see Reg. As soon as he saw me, me took my hand and walked to the room of requirement. No hello or anything, just dragging me across the castle.

"Ow Reg- what's the matter. Are you alright?" I had to jog to keep up with his quick pace, only when the door shut and we were in the room alone did he pull me into a tight hug.

"God I missed you so much." He said quietly.

"What happened, are you alright?" I asked him and held his face in my hands, looking into his eyes trying to work out what he was covering up.

"Well Walburga is never one to go easy on someone." He shrugged and kissed me gently.

"Reg... She hurt you didn't she. I can see it in your eyes." I asked him quietly. He didn't reply anything to that. "Take off your shirt I'll heal you up."


He sighed and reluctantly took off his shirt. There were neat uniform cuts all down his shoulders and back, similar to Sirius. "Oh Reg I'm so sorry." I sighed and he sat down on the bed, me kneeling behind him with my wand out to do healing spells.


"Don't you dare blame yourself. I chose to risk it and I got the consequences of it." It broke my heart hearing him talk like that. I waved my wand over his back and the cuts healed slowly but surely until there were nothing but faint scars.

"There you go." I kissed his cheek when it was done and he hurridly put his shirt back on.

"Thankyou." He kissed me gently "Listen we can't be public anymore and I'll explain it all just... Not tonight."

"I completely understand. But I can't just wait for things to make sense you have to tell me these things." I said softly and sat in his lap to give him a cuddle.

"Alright, we'll leave the castle tomorrow and I'll explain it all. But tonight I just want to be with you, no one else." He put his arms around me and flopped back onto the bed so we were cuddling and I was laying on top of him.

"That sounds nice." I smiled and played with his hair. "I missed you a lot you know. Even though you hog the bed." I grinned.

"Of course you did." He smirked. "You love me."

"Yes." I nodded and kissed him. "I really do."

((This is quite a short chapter just getting them back to Hogwarts and all that.
So as a lot of people are reading this, I do plan on writing other books and things after this one although I'm not sure which ones in particular yet so if you would follow me that would be lovely
- Author :)

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