Chapter 71 - Christmas break 1977 pt 4

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I actually could not talk to Reg, for days. He just wasn't available, for nearly a week the only reflection in the mirror was the inside of one of his drawers. I would keep the mirror close to me all the time in the hope to hear his voice but I never did. And soon enough it was Christmas Eve and Mary and Marlene were knocking at the door.

"Hey hey hey!" Marlene grinned as I opened the door and I tackled both my beautiful best friends in a hug.

"I missed you!" I smiled happily. Now we had everyone back together.

"Merry Christmas!" Mary smiled excitedly and we went inside as Mary and Marlene said hello to everyone else.

Marlene and James convinced us all to have a mini Quidditch match so that's what we did. James, Lily and I played chasers, Sirius and Marlene were the beaters and Peter was the keeper. Remus was going to be the ref because he couldn't fly for the life of him.

In the evening, we all gathered in my room sat in a circle on the floor for a game of truth or dare. I had ABBA playing on my record player and there was a tray of shot glasses and a big bottle of fire whisky. The rules were you could back out but you had to take a shot.

"Y/n truth or dare?" Mary grinned.

"Truth." I said stupidly, my logic was they already knew everything about me.

"Who is the better kisser, Sirius or Regulus?" She smirked and I groaned. We were still teased for the time we had dated when we were like 14, we went on a Hogsmede date which was our first and last because we agreed it was just weird.

"Regulus." I said without hesitation and Sirius gasped dramatically.

"I expect you to defend me! Even if you have to go against your own boyfriend! I'm your dog for God sake!" He joked.

"Sorry I'll make it up to you in dog treats." I teased him and pushed him playfully.
"Remus truth or dare?"

"Truth?" He said sounding unsure, we already knew he was a literal werewolf for God sake what else could he have to hide.

"When did you first realize you liked Sirius." I grinned, I wanted to know to be honest and Remus had never really told me much. I just hinted to him that I knew and I supported him until he felt comfortable enough to tell us all.

"5th year." Remus's cheeks went bright red and he got an 'awww' from Lily.

"That's why you avoided me so much! Fucking idiot." Sirius chuckled and kissed Remus's cheek.

We had a couple of rounds until we were all a little tipsy and Marlene asked me now, "Y/n truth or dare." She grinned.

"Truth." I shrugged, my last dare they had me perform a full on song and dance which of course I did no problem and Mary joined in.

"Strangest place you've ever... Done the deed." Marlene smirked and leaned back onto Mary, she was sitting in between her legs and Mary had her arms around her.

"Hmm..." I really had no filter now I was tipsy, "Ooh! The Hogwarts express- no actually an empty charms classroom."

"The fucking what-" Peter's eyes widened and Sirius laughed loudly.

"So that's what you do when you go off! I knew it!" Marlene laughed and I blushed a little.

"It was one time!" I laughed "Nearly happened twice actually- anyway Lily truth or dare."

The game continued for a while until we were all exhausted, Lily and James went to their room, Peter went home, Marlene and Mary to their room, and Sirius and Remus to theirs. And I was alone, usually I liked the big space of my bed but I'd rather be sharing it with Reg.

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