Chapter 64 - Fireworks

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And so, one snowy December afternoon, we set off into Hogsmede to buy dresses. I didn't really know what I was looking for I just figured I'd know when I saw it.

"It's good that we're going early. Other wise all the good dresses would be sold." Lily smiled, she had organized this trip. If Lily and James didn't look after us no one would.

"I fancy a red dress, very Gryffindor you know?" Marlene smiled.

"You'll look beautiful." Mary smiled over at her which made her blush, nothing made me happier than seeing my friends so in love.

"I don't know what I want, I'll just wait and see when I get there." I smiled.

We walked into the dress shop which was rather busy considering it was a Hogsmede weekend. We immediately started to look through all the dresses, there were a lot of very pretty ones but I wanted to find one I was truly obsessed with.

After getting lost among the clothing racks for who knows how long I was convinced I was being too picky but then I saw the perfect dress and gently pulled it off the rack and held it up. It was a green silk dress, v neck with a flowy skirt and tied at the back. I went to show Lily and the lovebirds my dress. Lily was holding a dark blue ball gown with gold lace forming delicate patterns on the skirt. Mary was holding up a golden dress and Marlene was looking at a red silk gown. All of them were beautiful.

"What do you think?" I smiled and held my dress up against myself. I just knew it was perfect already.

((You're very welcome to change it if you like I just love this dress so I chose it

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((You're very welcome to change it if you like I just love this dress so I chose it. :) ))

"I love it." Mary smiled.

"You'll look so hot!" Marlene grinned over at me.

"How many Gryffindor girls do you think will be wearing a green dress? It will look stunning on you and it will be a total power move. It will make a statement you have to wear it." Lily smiled.

"Like a dangerous mermaid!" Mary said which made us all laugh. "Ok let's go try them on." She giggled excitedly.

We all went to the dressing rooms and changed into our dresses. "Lily would you tie me up?" I asked.

"Of course." Lily gently tied the back of my dress up so it was secure. She was wearing her blue dress and she looked like a princess. I always understood why James loved her so much.

"We look amazing." I smiled as we looked in the mirror. Marlene and Mary came out of the changing room wearing their dresses. Every one of my friends were beautiful.

"These are the ones ladies!" Mary grinned.

We all payed for them and then went to get some butterbeers. We watched a group of nervous 4th years ask their little crushes to the ball and it was so awkward it was hilarious although Lily told us not to laugh too obviously.

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