Chapter 68 - Christmas break 1977 pt 1

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"Y/n." I woke up to Reg whispering to me and trying to gently shake him awake.

"What?" I grumbled and buried my face in the crook of his neck. He chuckled at how moody I was being, as usual in the mornings.

"We have to get up." He said gently and I shook my head. His voice was raspy from the morning and he was talking gently in my ear.

"Nope I'm staying here so you're trapped and you can't leave me." I mumbled and held onto him.

He laughed "I don't want to leave but you know we have to."

I groaned and rolled off, letting him get up to get ready. He had to look extra presentable for his parents. I sat up deciding I had to pack still, of course I left it to the day before I was a very busy lady. "I'll see you on the train love." He kissed my head once he was dressed and walked out to go to his common room.

I got dressed in an oversized red sweater and put on a black skirt underneath, with tights with spiders webs on because of the cold. Then I put on my Doc Martens and walked out to go to my dorm.

"There she is!" Marlene smiled as soon as I entered. The three girls were hanging out in the dorm while Mary helped Marlene do the last of her packing. My things were neatly in my trunk on my bed, courtesy of Lily.

"Oh Lily I adore you." I smiled, feeling less stressed knowing I didn't have packing to do.

"Have fun?" Mary smirked over at me and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"We didn't do anything like that!" I laughed. "We were just spending time together before we won't see each other." I sat down on Lily's bed with her.

"Well for Lily I think it was a different story." Marlene grinned. "You went off with James to the dorm while everyone else was in the common room."

Lily blushed and smiled. "Yeah you got us." She laughed a little.

Marlene looked over at Mary. "Didn't we say?"

"Yes we did." Mary grinned. "Bet he's got stamina from all that quidditch. Was he any good?"

Lily smiled and nodded. "Oh yeah he-"

"Guys that's my brother!" I mimicked being sick. As much as I was happy for them I didn't want to hear about my brothers stamina.

They all laughed at me, not mean or anything. "I wanna know!" Mary laughed.

"Right I'm off!" I laughed and ran out the dorm not wanting to hear about my brothers sex life. I thundered through the corridor to the boys dorm and burst into the room. "I needed to get out of there they're on about James and Lily last night."

They were all gathered round on James's bed. Sirius turned his head when I came in and smiled. "That's what he was just telling us! I gave him all the advice of course." He grinned. "Did you remember the trick I taught you where you-"

"Urgh!" I covered my ears and ran out, they were just as bad. I walked down into the court yard, we still had an hour before the train and the grounds were covered in snow. Over at the bridge, I saw Mulciber, Barty and Severus blocking the way for some poor girl in my year. I didn't know her name, she was a Ravenclaw who kept to herself. There was a certain strange beauty about her, she had very light blonde hair and skin pale as snow. She wore a light blue cotton dress despite the cold and her eyes were greyish silver, her cheeks and nose rosy from the cold. She looked down, intimidated by Mulciber as she clutched a book to her chest.

"Please just let me pass." I heard her say timidly as I walked up to them.

"Oi!" I called over to Mulciber. "Give the poor girl a break, shouldn't you be getting ready to be a disappointment to your families over Christmas?" I glared at them.

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