Chapter 41 - Exams

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I looked up from my book with a smirk. "Oh yeah it's quite good actually." I knew it was annoying him and it was funny.

"Well I hope it was. Fifteen goals I scored. Did you see?" He looked over at me, his arms crossed.

"Yeah I did I was just trying to tease you and it worked." I sometimes did little things like that, for example when we first met and I pretended not to know who he was. "I saw your goals, all fifteen. But then when you turned to look at me I looked down again." I grinned playfully.

He cupped my chin with one hand and made me look at him, he wasn't angry as he knew I was joking. I could tell he wasn't in a bad mood from the smile he was trying to hide. "You an annoying little Gryffindor you know that?"

"And you love me for it." I grinned playfully.

"Yes I do." He sighed defeated and kissed me softly. "I'll remember this when I beat your team at the match." He grinned.

"As if! We are so gonna win." I retaliated "And you won't get to distract me again."

"How can you be so sure? I know exactly how to." He said casually and tucked my hair behind my ear, I noticed him looking at my lips for a very long second.

I blushed and I knew he was doing it on purpose "As if that's gonna work." I scoffed even though it was very much working. "Two can play at that game."

"I'd like to see you try." He smirked challenging me.

"As if I need to try." I grinned. I knew full well he had a soft spot for me.
He laughed and shook his head, I layed back across the seats so my head was on his lap.

He smiled slightly and I looked up at him. He was so perfect, that boy had no flaws at all. He only really smiled much around me which boosted my ego more than was probably good. "You're so pretty." I told him and reached up to kiss his cheek.

"Pretty?" He asked, boys didn't really get called pretty much. But Sirius adored when I called him that, Reg wasn't just pretty he was pure beautiful.

"Yup." I nodded with a smile, I noticed him blushing although he was trying hard to hide it.

He smiled and ran a hand through his fluffy hair "You have no idea the effect you have on me Y/n."


Soon enough, it was exam day. We were all sat in the hall and you could tell who had done their revision. Lily and Remus were scribbling away on their parchment, James was making his way through the questions slowly but surely, Marlene would occasionally stop to tap her quill on the desk in thought. And Peter looked like he wanted to run away and cry.

I wasn't finding this charms essay too hard, but I didn't enjoy the atmosphere of the silent hall where all you could hear was quills scratching on the paper. It was so quiet the sound of the oxygen in the air was almost overwhelming.

I had finished my essay, things like maths didn't come easy to me so I dropped Arithmetic but I could write and write and write, I found that quite easy. Now I was drawing a rather unflattering doodle of Dumbledore on a spare bit of parchment. The sound of someone clearing their throat behind me made me turn around, and it was McGonagall.

"Miss Potter this is an exam not an art class." She chided me but she looked amused as she picked up the drawing. "Now if you're finished I suggest you hand in your paper, or you can wait until Dumbledore comes in and show him yourself?" She was trying not to smile on could see it.

"Alright professor." I said not really caring and put my paper on the front desk before walking out of the hall.

I was a little bit wary walking by myself these days, the Slytherins tended to stay away from me because of what Reg did to Severus but I was always careful. Mulciber clearly didn't care. And I definitely didn't need to rely on my boyfriend to keep me safe thank you.

As most of my year were still in exams, I walked out to go and practice some quidditch for the big match on Saturday, the last of the year and it would determine who won the Quidditch cup. James's dream was to win the quidditch cup as Captain (and marry Lily of course).

Quidditch was always a way for me to distract myself, especially as I got older. When you're trying not to plummet off your broom, you're not really thinking about much else. I scored a good few goals then decided to go and fly around the grounds for a bit, I flew around the castle and over the hills just to try and clear my head.

To be honest, I had a lot of worries for next year. Sirius said they would start preparing Reg to be a death eater, what would that mean for us? And what would that mean for him? When I eventually had to fight in the war, would I ever have to face him? Would we even still be together?

I went even higher, screw this. I was just seventeen and these were the things I had to worry about and the adults in this world were starting to piss me off. Why was Dumbledore not recruiting more adults? Why was he trying to raise children soldiers? That's basically what it was, trying to manipulate us all. Making us feel like we have to join before we've even finnish school but where were the adults fighting Voldemort? Dumbledore knew if we were younger with less experience we would do what he said with less questioning but how many of us would pay for that?

((That was just a filler chapter really but thanks so much for 10k reads omg I love reading all the comments you all leave
- Author :)

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