Chapter 91 - Beginnings and Ends.

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"Times up, put your quills down the exam is over." McGonagall's voice rang through the great hall followed by the clatter of quills falling on the wooden desks. I had done it. My final exam. I was finished.

These past weeks had flown by in a similar way these past seven years had. I would never sit in a classroom again, I would never rush to class again, I wasn't really a student anymore. It was an overwhelming feeling of relief and melancholy. Part of me wanted to stay this way forever, I didn't know if I was ready. But time waits for no one.

I met Lily outside the hall and she hugged me with a wide smile. "You did it!" She grinned.

"I did." I smiled. "All done."

"How did it go?" She asked me as we linked arms and walked back to the common room.

"I think it went okay." I shrugged. "I try not to think too much about it."

"Well I know you will have done great. It's strange to think we're in our last week. After the other exams are done, so are we." She sighed and I could tell she felt the same about it as me.

"We've still got the Quidditch cup." I reminded her.

"Oh yes we do." She smiled. "As if James would let me forget."

I laughed and we chattered as we walked. We past Reg and he stopped to talk to me. His white school shirt was unbuttoned at the top and his tie was loose around his neck. "How did it go?" He smiled.

"Okay I think." I replied to him with a smile.

"Well..." He cleared his throat and looked around somewhat nervously. "Tell me all about it later. I'll pick you up by the fat Lady at 7."

"Alright." I nodded with a smile. "What are we doing?"

"Just meet me there, you'll see." He told me and then nodded at Lily before he carried on walking.

"That was strange. He seemed off." I frowned in confusion as we walked into the common room.

Lily smiled a little, as if she knew something I didn't. "I'm sure it's nothing."


As we walked into the dorm Mary and Marlene were sat having a cuddle in Marlene's bed while they both read the same book. Marlene's blonde hair was tied in a messy bun and they both matched with red Gryffindor pyjama shorts. "Y/n has a hot surprise date and she needs to look fabulous!" Lily announced. "Not that you don't already darling."

Marlene and Mary gasped and everyone immediately started fussing over me. Marlene took over DJ duties by the record player, putting on Blondie and Mary began to dig through my wardrobe. She pulled out a white sundress with a light blue pattern on it. "This is stunning why have I never stolen this before?" She gasped holding it up.

"That's the one." Lily nodded in approval and I got changed out of my school uniform and into that.

"I don't get why you're all so excitable tonight." I chuckled and let Lily brush through my hair. After singing along to Marlene's music and doing my makeup I felt like I was finally ready.

"Does this meet your approval?" I chuckled as I put in some gold earrings. My h/c was not tied up but had a slight curl to it and I went for natural makeup due to the sun.

"Nails!" Mary gasped and then spent another half an hour giving me a perfect French tip.

"Is all this necessary?" I laughed a little as Mary carefully filed them into a perfect shape.

"Absolutely." She nodded. She had tied her dark curls back for the job and was biting her lips in concentration.

When it was finally time to meet Reg outside I stood up and gave my appearance one last check.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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