Chapter 24 - Phone call

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"Ah home at last, come on your fathers in the living room." My mum smiled after apparating us home. Remus had to pause to lean a hand against my garden fence looking like he would be sick, apparation had that effect on people just James and I were very used to it. "Come on moony you'll be alright." I patted his back and we walked in to my house.

As soon as we entered the front door I could smell freshly baked chocolate cake. We dumped our trunks by the front door and let our house elf take them upstairs, Remus even had his own designated bedroom in our house and so did Sirius. "Alright darlings I'm just going to decorate this cake, dinner will be at 6:30. You can go unpack and make yourselves at home if you'd like." My mum smiled. "Oh and we got a...telephone? Yes a telephone so you can talk to your muggleborn friends too."

James smiled brightly "I can talk to Lily!" Oh no now Lily would be getting harassed with phone calls from a lovesick James.

Remus laughed "Poor Lily." He teased and James pushed him playfully.

"Poor Lily indeed, uh... Remus you might need to show us how to use it." I chuckled, our parents were accepting of muggles but they didn't know anything about muggle technology which meant neither did we.

"No, I'm going to sit back and laugh while watching you guys figure it out." Remus grinned.


We all went upstairs to unpack, I got changed into some comfier clothes now I was in my own home. I put on a jumper which I had stolen from Remus in fourth year and never given back, some tracksuit bottoms and fluffy socks. I didn't bother doing anything with my hair there was no point.

My bedroom was rather big but so was my entire house, I had a big double bed in the centre. White painted walls so I could change things up whenever I wanted without too much effort, I had a lot of crystals and a big bowl of jewelry on my desk. In the other corner of my room was a piano and dotted around my room were a bunch of different  plants. Once I was unpacked, I walked out and across the hall knocking loudly on Remus's door then James's.

"Is it safe to come in without having to bleach my eyes?" I asked incase one of them was getting changed. James's room was the same as mine just with loads of quidditch posters and Gryffindor flags, and it was much messier.

Both the boys opened their doors at the same time, James in a red Gryffindor quidditch hoodie and Remus in a beige jumper. "Wait that's where my jumper went!" He laughed when he saw me wearing it.

"I guess it's about time I gave it back." I laughed.

He shook his head, looking at me with a fond smile "It's alright, I'll probably have grown out of it now." He didn't even have to reach his hand up that far to hold onto the top of the door frame.

"Come on I want to surprise Lily with a call!" James grabbed both our hands and ran down stairs eagerly.

The phone was in the living room, plugged into the wall. "What are all these numbers?" I asked and picked it up studying it. Remus leaned against the wall, arms crossed laughing a little. "I take it the red button means hang up..." I just pressed the number 9 three times because it made a funny sound.

"Emergency services, which service do you require?" I jumped when the thing spoke and threw it at Remus.

He burst out laughing "Sorry, that was an accident." He said then hung up. "You guys are terrible!"

"Wait so if you need a certain number to talk to someone?... What number is Lily?" James asked and we were all silent. Good question.

"Shit. Uh we could guess?" I shrugged.

"You'll be there hours...Wait I know! I called her in the summer to ask for advice let's see if I can remember." Remus started tapping random numbers in the phone.

"Thank god for our Moony." James smiled.

"You'll still get to bother Lily don't worry." Remus chuckled

The phone made a strange buzzing noise then a voice came from the other end, James grabbed it eagerly.

"Mrs Evans speaking who's this?"

James cleared his throat when he realized it was Lily's mum, he saw her as his future mother in law. "Hello, James Potter here. I'm with y/n and Remus too, could we possibly speak to Lily?" Remus and I were trying not to laugh at how suddenly nervous he looked.

"James... Oh." She laughed as she suddenly remembered his name, Lily had probably told her parents about him. "Of course dear I'll fetch her stay there. Lily! You've got friends on the phone!"

There was a pause then we heard Lily's voice "Hello?"

"Alright Evans?" James grinned and we heard her laugh down the line.

"Couldn't leave me alone could you Potter? I only said goodbye to you a couple of hours ago." She laughed and James blushed a little.

"Yeah well, mum got a phone thingy and Remus remembered your number. I'm here with Remus and y/n now." I had always thought Lily and James would be cute together, I loved those little moments they had.

"Oh really? Wow that's cool, we just got back not long ago how about you?"

"Not too long ago either, Lily do you know if-" He was interrupted by another voice down the line.

"Lily who on earth is James Potter?" It sounded like a girl, maybe her sister.

"Oh go away Petunia would you? I'm on the phone!" Lily sounded annoyed at her sisters prying. "Anyway what were you saying?"

"Nothing." I knew James had just reisted from asking her out again. "Nice to know your family know my name though." He grinned sounding cocky once more.

"Well I would have told them about the annoying boy who won't leave me alone at some point." She teased.

Remus and I were listening intently. In our third year, we made a bet. I bet 5 galleons Lily would date James, Remus said she wouldn't. We still had the bet going.

"Thing is Evans, I don't think you mind me that much." James was now laying comfortably on the carpet.

"No Potter you're still annoying, just less than you were last year." She replied. I gave Remus a cheeky grin, that sounded promising.

"Well does that mean, maybe in like 20 years I won't be annoying anymore so I'll have a chance finally?" He asked and Lily laughed.

"We'll have to see won't we." I could just tell by Lily's voice she was smiling.

James grinned widely and gave us a big thumbs up when she agreed, he clearly didn't expect it. "Yeah we will, anyway I need to go mum just made some Christmas cake so I should go have that. I'll speak to you soon? If you don't mind of course I wouldn't want to be annoyi-"

Lily cut his rambling off thank god "I'll speak to you soon. Merry Christmas."

James smiled "Anytime you want." I knew he meant it, he would get up at 3am to answer a call from her. "Merry Christmas Lily."

While we were helping my mum with the cake, James wouldn't shut up about that Lily actually didn't straight up turn him down. I was happy for him of course, I knew they were meant to be.

((Yay a little Jily moment for you here
I woke up yesterday morning to find this had 2k reads yay thanks for that
- Author :)

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