Chapter 60 - Doing what's right

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It was a casual night in the common room spent having out with James, Lily and Sirius. Classes had concluded and the rain outside hammered on the windowpanes of the castle. The others were away studying, lead by Remus of course, and we were just too tired. Sirius and I were playing wizards chess and Lily and James were cuddled up on the sofa.

James looked the happiest man in the world as he kissed Lily so lovingly but Sirius looked appalled and whispered to me with a grin "What a bunch of sluts." Of course he was only teasing, Sirius had been through more people than James and Lily combined.

"Shocking behavior!" I agreed with him like I hadn't hooked up with Reg in a classroom the day before and I didn't have a good 5 sneaky links.

"Oh shush you two are the ones trying to make sure your dates don't bump into each other." Lily laughed.

"Correction, I don't date. I get a cheeky kiss and take their wallet. God Lily, prioritise!" I teased her jokingly.

"Maybe you should try finding someone to date again." James suggested innocently as always. "That Freddie lad is a nice boy."

"He's nice sure." I shrugged. Nice wasn't really my type. Apparently that wasn't obvious.

"There's nothing wrong with a relationship, just do what feels right." Lily shrugged and put her head on James's shoulder.

"You know what I will." I nodded and a tood up.

"What are you doing?" James smiled at me, he liked impulsive decisions as much as the next Gryffindor.

"I need to find Reg."


Of course, there were many protests but that didn't matter. Here I was, out in the tipping rain looking for Regulus. Apparently Slytherin had quidditch practice so I went over to the Quidditch pitch to find Reg. He was just leaving the pitch, his dark hair dripping with water "Reg!" I yelled over the sound of the rain to get his attention.

I ran up to him despite the rain beginning to soak me through. "What's up?" He asked, the rest of the Slytherin team carried on walking which was good because now he could be genuine.

"Listen I've been an idiot and a total dick and after this if you want to tell me to piss off you're more than welcome to but, I've realized that I thought I was doing the right thing and it actually wasn't it was just the safe thing and it was shit. Look what I'm trying to say is, I'd rather risk my life to be with you because when it really comes down to it I'd rather be dead than live a life without you in it Regulus I love you." By the time I had finished telling him how I felt, I was on the verge of tears.

He smiled so brightly it almost made the sky go from grey to blue. "No it's me that's been the dick I left you no choice and I've been sorry for it every day. I love you y/n I always will." He promised me and pulled me into a deep kiss.
I put my arms around him and kissed him back.

"Can we be okay again?" I asked, I wanted to cry as a wave of relief washed over me (along with the rain which had soaked me right through.) I started to cry a little and sniffed wiping away my tears, but it wasn't the sad tears I had so often these days, it was happy.

"Of course we can. Why are you crying you idiot?" He laughed and wiped my tears kissing me on the head. "I love you so much." He held me in his arms as if he was afraid to let go, this is the man I'd be with forever I knew it there and then.

"I don't know." I laughed and then cried again.

"Let's get out the rain." He smiled and we ran back into the castle. "We should go to the room of requirements and get changed, we look like drowned rats."

Once we were inside the warmth of the room of requirements, I opened up a big wardrobe that just magically had some clothes my style in. I picked out a red and black stripy over sized jumper because of the cold then some comfy lounge pants to go with it. When I looked over at Reg, he had a Slytherin quidditch jersey on and he was drying his hair with a towel.

"Is there another one of those towels?" I asked him as I hung out sodden clothes up to dry by the roaring fire.

"Come here." He beckoned for me to sit on the bed in front of him so I did then he started to gently dry my hair and brush through it.

"How do you know how to do hair?" I asked him with a smile, feeling relaxed as he dried my hair off.

"I don't I'm guessing." He laughed "But I've seen Sirius spend hours pampering his appearance so I'm trying to remember what he did."

"Well you're doing a good job so far." I chuckled and shut my eyes as he combed through my hair.

"If I pull let me know." He said and shuffled me closer to him so he can an easier job. Reg just looked like he could kill someone easily and here he was gently brushing my hair for me, he really owned my heart.

"You're doing great." I smiled and he dried it so it went from wet to damp then we decided to just leave it to dry.

I laid my head in his lap and looked up at him "I should have been there for you, I thought I was protecting us both but it was awful." I felt guilty for leaving in a time where he needed me.

"I've got you now it's okay." He reassured me.

"What if we ran away together?" I suggested dead serious.

"Where to?" He smiled and ran his fingers through my hair.

"Anywhere, everywhere. We can go where we like. We both have money from our families enough to live more than comfortably. I can't help but consider it." I knew I had a duty but it almost seemed like love and responsibility were two seperate roads. I could have one or the other. Love was the death of duty.

"We could leave now you know. N.E.W.T.S are no use to us and the longer we stay the more danger we're all in." He nodded "I'd follow you anywhere."

"I can't leave my family." I shook my head "It would basically be betrayal, letting them fight in the war while we run away. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to them."

"That's a lot of people to be worrying about you know. We'll figure something out." He nodded. He knew by family I meant James and my parents but also Sirius, Remus, Peter, Marlene, Lily and Mary.

That was an awful lot of goodbyes.

"You've got me, whatever happens." I promised him.

I noticed he was looking at his mark with utter dismay. "I hate it, it's horrible I don't know how to get rid of it." He sighed. "I've spent countless nights scrubbing my skin raw like that could do anything." He told me and chuckled sadly.

I took his arm and kissed it "Don't worry we'll find a way."

He held my face in his hands "You're the best thing that ever happened to me Y/n."

I sat up and moved to sit in his lap so I could hug him. "I promise I'll never ever leave again it was the worse decision I've ever made.

"Whatever happens in the future we'll face it together. Somehow." He nodded and I kissed him lovingly.

I felt the happiest I had been in a long time, probably since the Queen concert. Of course the problem not his family still loomed over us but we had a year to figure it out. "As long as we're together." I agreed.

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