Chapter 75 - Surprises

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Spending a cold January morning playing Quidditch always sounded awful but it was actually fun once you got into it. James had us practicing lots of drills and things, I was in good shape for quidditch still because I used it as a way to distract myself over Christmas.

It was fun being high up and looking over the forest and the hills, I loved flying through the air with my brother.

"Alright team." James clapped his hands together getting everyone's attention and we stood in a circle on the grass. "Big match coming up. We need to beat Slytherin, they play dirty but we just need to keep on the look out for it." He was aware how we were all nervous of Slytherin tactics. Last time Mulciber had sent a bludger at me and Reg got in the way.

"I'll take Mulciber out." Marlene grinned and I laughed.

"Enough chit chat let's do a half match!" James clapped his hands and got on his broom. A half match was where one chaser would try and score with 2 trying to defend. One beater would attack us one would defend us and of course the keeper and seeker did what they normally do. If the attack chaser got tackled the job to score would pass to whoever got the Quaffle.

James designated me as the attack chaser and I grabbed the Quaffle. We started at the opposite end to our goals. I got to just over half way up the pitch until James tackled me.

I chased after him, predicting his every faint and dodge until I tackled him just at the last minute and tossed the Quaffle into a goal hoop.

I noticed Pandora was sat watching us practice, she was drawing at the same time and she smiled and clapped when I scored which made me smile.

We practiced for hours until it got dark and the clouds threatened to rain on us so we went inside to have dinner.


One February evening, I was doing homework in the hall when Reg walked in and sat down next to me. "Hey darling." He grinned. He didn't mind sitting with me even though I was at the Gryffindor table and he was getting funny looks.

I was answering questions for potions and just trying to get it done so I could relax. "Reg I'm trying to concentrate." I said but smiled a little when he laced his fingers with mine.

"Well that's stupid of you for leaving it to the last day." He smirked and kissed my cheek.

"I need to get this done." I complained but I didn't mind him being there at all. He rested his hand on my thigh and squeezed it gently giving me butterflies.

"Can it wait?" He kissed my neck gently, in the middle of the great Hall.

"People are looking-" I sighed gently feeling his lips on my skin he knew exactly what he was doing, I could tell because he was smirking arrogant as always.

"They always do." He said dismissively.

Suddenly, we were broken up by my stupid friends making an entrance as usual. "Leave room for Jesus!" Marlene yelled dramatically and pointed at the both of us as if we had comitted a crime. Except she wore that big Marlene McKinnon grin across her face. She was with James, Sirius, Peter and Mary. Lily and Remus were in the library together apparently.

I laughed and Reg did too but he was clearly a little embarrassed. Marlene made her self comfortable in the seat opposite us, the others filled the spots near us. "Hello brother." Sirius said a little awkwardly and Reg just gave him a polite and awkward nod.

"Well there's no hope of me doing my homework now." I chuckled and shut my book.

"You can have my answers." Marlene waved a dismissive hand, never one to get stressed over homework.

"What I really came to ask you about," James began, pushing his glasses up his nose all business like and he cleared his throat. "Valentine's Day. What do I do for Lily?"

"Why the fuck are you asking me?" I laughed. I never did Valentine's Day.

Chocolate in a heart shaped box? Cringe.
Teddy bears? Gross.
A poem? I would literally die inside.

"You left it dead late." Mary chuckled. "It's tomorrow."

"Tomorrow!? Fuck-" Sirius got up and ran out. He had clearly forgot and a Valentine's day without a dramatic display of love for Remus just wouldn't do.

We all laughed as Sirius thundered out the great hall, almost tripping over his own feet and when it was calm James spoke again. "I was going to write her a song but I can't play an instrument... Or sing." James had spent his whole life wanting to be with Lily and now he was he was doing everything he could to be the best boyfriend she could ever hope for.

"Do something nice. Not cringe. Something thoughtful but not soppy, like no teddy bears or love poems they make me want to puke." I said casually and Marlene chuckled.

"Take notes Reggie." She grinned teasingly and Reg just smirked.

"Well I've already got something prepared that isn't any of those things. I know you better than that." He smirked and held my hand under the table. It was true, he did know me better. He knew everything I liked and didn't like.

"Wait you did? No now I feel bad because I haven't done anything- you don't need to go to efforts for me Reg." I said looking up at him.

"Shut up of course I'm going to." He smiled fondly down at me. "You don't need to do anything except show up at 11am tomorrow outside your common room. I'll meet you there."

"Is this another secret date?" I smiled, I loved it when he bought me to mysterious locations.

"Absolutely it is." He grinned.

"You better give me credit for the gift idea! I'm the one who even put the idea in his head." Marlene crossed her arms, challenging Reg.

"I will! Marlene gave me hints on what to get you." He explained. "You won't ever guess."

"He's actually not that stupid and picked up the general idea pretty quickly." Marlene teased. "I can't wait for you to see."

"Wait what is it?" James asked. He had very mixed feelings about Reg. He wanted me to be happy but he'd rather I was happy with a boy like Freddie. Someone reliable. But I wasn't.

Marlene leaned over and whispered in his ear. He grinned and nodded. "She'll love it."

"Guys. You don't need to, really I don't want to be hard wor-"

"Shut up!" The three of them said in unison and I laughed a little.

"Look at us agreeing on something." James joked to Reg. He was trying for my sake, and I couldn't be more greatful to have such a good brother.

Marlene and James went to practice Quidditch after a little while, Peter eager to go with and Mary went because it was no secret how she liked watching Marlene play. I began to work on my homework again. I was answering questions for charms, writing down counter jinxes etc.

"You're over-working yourself." Reg said and pulled me onto his lap so he could cuddle me while I worked. He rested his chin on my shoulder and put his arms around my waist.

"I have to pass." I said simply.

"You're getting one of the highest marks in your year you're already passing." Reg never had to work for anything really. He was very clever and rich, everything came easy. I was rich too, but I wanted to work for things just like everyone else. "Come back to the room of requirement with me, you can finish it there."

"You'll have other plans if I do that." I smirked, still writing away on a bit of parchment.

"What on Earth makes you say that?" He laughed and slipped his hand inside my skirt and started to rub me through my panties.

I sighed softly and bit my lip. "Reg we're in the hall."

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked me, he stopped moving his hand and I shook my head quickly.

"No don't." I shook my head and he smirked kissing my neck lightly. "Let's go back to the room of requirements."

(Besties thanks for 70K wow. I haven't been uploading as much bc I've got exams but I'm trying I promise lol
- Author :)

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