Chapter 29 - Snivellus's revenge

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Regulus's POV :

Everything that happened over Christmas still had me shaken, I filled my time with things like studying and quidditch, spending as much time as possible with y/n and as little time as I could with those nasty people I had to call friends. The more my schedule was filled, the less time I had to think. So I collapsed into bed exhausted every night instead of thinking, about the war, about the future.

I wanted to be like Sirius, free. At the rate he was going, he would never be the heir so all the responsibility fell to me. The last hope for the House of Black. But hearing screams of pain coming from his room when my parents went in there that night of Christmas, then small cries, then nothing I knew that could never be me. They would be even harsher on me because I was the last hope. My own parents would probably kill me, I wasn't convinced they wouldn't try to murder Sirius at some point.

I had left the train late, I liked going alone if I couldn't be with y/n. Walking by myself was fine, I didn't even need to glare at the younger years for them to move out my way. Walk with enough pure blood privilege I suppose and everyone leaves you the hell alone. Perfect. Ahead of me on the stony path, going to the carriages was Y/n, Sirius had his arm around her the way he sometimes did with her brother, James, or the tall one, Lupin. She looked so happy, but she didn't look at Sirius the way she looked at me. I smirked slightly knowing this.

Of course Severus had to rudely interrupt me from my thoughts "Why are you staring at the Potter girl?" He looked out of breath as if he had actually ran to catch up with me.
What a dick.

I realized I actually was staring at her and I quickly looked away, well I could do that. She was my girlfriend after all. But no one knew except her friends. "I'm not staring." I said using that special tone my cousin Narcissa used, it absolutely dismissed any protest.

"I hate the Potters. So arrogant, they always get what they want." He sniffed bitterly and stared daggers into the back of James's head.

"Yeah." I had to agree, sure they were lucky or whatever. I saw how Y/n's mum fussed over her, not in a way that she was trying to build her up to be something she wasn't, but in a way that was so caring. Must be nice. They were both confident, but I knew Y/n and she wasn't arrogant. "You're not still bitter over that mudblood are you?"

"No!" Snape said way too quickly and turned bright red. "Of course not..why would you think that? She's just a mudblood." That just sounded so forced.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and climbed up into a carriage, rather irritated that I had to put up with Severus's company. He was a year older than me but he was my bitch, he'd do anything I told him to. Came in useful sometimes but he was so annoying.
I made a point of opening a book, I didn't want to be spoken to.

"Guess what I did." Snape smiled wickedly.

I sighed and shut my book, I wouldn't be able to focus on what I was reading with this git talking at me anyway. "What?"

He reached his pale crooked hand into his pocket and pulled out a vial of yellow liquid. Truth serum. "Brewed this over Christmas."

"And what do you plan to do with that." I asked a little more interested but not for the same reasons I would have been this time last year.

"Loony Lupin, I think he's a werewolf." Snape leaned in and whispered it to me, he sat opposite me on the carriage so I leaned in too. A werewolf? Surely
Y/n would know but a secret like that, why would she tell me? She was the most loyal person I knew not just to me, to her friends.

"And what makes you think that?" I was actually rather interested now, Severus wasn't stupid he would have an educated guess.

"Every full moon he's ill. Every damn moon. His friends call him moony," that was right, I'd even heard Y/n call him that. But then they called my brother Padfoot which I didn't understand. "He never wore his silver prefect pin, he wears long sleeves even in the summer, he's covering scars I tell you."

"You sad stalker." I chuckled and leaned back, he had good points indeed. But why did he know all this? He was truly obsessed. I really had to warn y/n she would help him. "And you're going to get him to admit it to the whole school? Are you sure it isn't a bit...fucking sick?"

"No. They need to be taught a lesson this is war. You're changing, Reg. Mulciber says you've gone soft." He looked scared to say the last bit and I gave him a glare that made him shrink into his seat. The only good thing my mother taught me how to do. "I'm just saying! You used to send muggleborns to the hospital wing when you were bored, now you act all high and mighty about it."

Ugh don't remind me. One time a 3rd year Hufflepuff spilt their drink on me by accident. They were found two days later locked in a broom cupboard. I used to be mean, like properly mean, part of me still was but I was trying to unlearn it. "Well maybe you just need a hobby." I said flatly.

"No need to be like that." He mumbled quietly but he was too scared to say any more. I wondered how the hell I was going to get Y/n aside.


"Potter!" Thankfully I managed to catch up without running. Running was just embarrassing. I could walk quick, a talent learned to lose people like Severus.

Both Y/n and James turned around, James looked wary and Y/n looked absolutely neutral. She didn't look at me the way she used to before she actually knew me, she used to glare at me, daring me to make any comments to her friends, well deserved if I'm honest.

I pushed Y/n against she wall and leaned my hand against it by her head so I could whisper in her ear. I tried not to smirk as I noticed her blushing. "What do you want, Black?" She rolled her eyes.

"Tell your mate Remus to watch his drink." I whispered in her ear so only she could hear, it earned a couple looks but no one questioned. James crossed his arms and I could feel him glaring at me. An unusual thing for James Potter. "See you soon." I left a quick kiss on her neck then moved so she could go with James.

"Get off me before I break your arm." She threatened but I saw the smile she tried to hide.


Y/N'S POV  :

I wondered what on earth was going on tell your mate Remus to watch his drink
What did that even mean? He clearly knew something I didn't but he was trying to help.

"He best have had a bloody good reason to do that. I can't believe I had to watch that ugh I dread to think-" James pulled a disgusted face and I laughed, if only he knew, not that I would ever tell him. God no. "What did he even say?"

"He said to tell Moony to watch his drink. He knows something and he wants to help." I explained and James's face went from annoyed, to calm, to annoyed again.

"Who's trying to spike Remus!?" He whisper-shouted to me.

"I don't know. But we need to make sure he knows." I shrugged "It's Sniv behind it probably. Reg hates him."

James nodded and we sat down with the others. Right in the middle of Dumbledore's speech about new beginnings with the new year, fresh starts, hard work etc ; the hall doors swung open and Reg walked in late. If I had done that, I would have awkwardly apologized and made my way quickly to my seat. He didn't. He walked with that Black grace, confidently and calmly. The Slytherins shuffled to a make a space for him like he was their very own Slytherin prince. That insufferable, impossible, beautiful boy.

"Y/n I think you've got a bit of drool." Marlene teased as she caught me staring at him, well he was mine to stare at.

"Oh shush." I laughed. Dumbledore finished up his speech and the food appeared. That's when I remembered.

"Wait Remus don't-" I quickly turned away from Dumbledore and to Remus who was drinking thirstily from his cup. On the train we often got a lot of chocolate and no drinks.

"What?" He asked as he wiped the pumpkin juice off his top lip. Fuck.

((Wow last time I checked we were on 2.8k reads now it's 3.5k that's mad thanks for that and I'll see you in the next chapter
- Author :)

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