Chapter 47 - Queen day pt 1

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Dear Y/N

Sorry for my lack of letters, I've been under the scrutiny of my entire family now I'm the official Black heir. Fun. They assume Sirius is at your house but they have no interest in fetching him, it was as if he was never their son.

I knew I would miss you but being away from you this long is by far my worst problem. I hope your Summer is going well, don't be worrying about me too much (I know what you're like). I'll see you soon my darling.

From Reg.

I read the letter through three times before I then put it under my pillow, a safe place to keep it incase I wanted to read it over again because when I read it I heard his voice in my head and that was the best I had for weeks.

I had been doing just fine by myself before I knew him and now that I had him I never wanted him to leave ever.

I quickly sat at my desk and began to get put some parchment and a quill to write a reply. It was a sunny day, a couple of days before the concert. Sirius was getting better as it had been about a week since he came here. The boys were playing Quidditch and he wasn't feeling well enough yet so instead he was having a laugh and yelling at them, being the referee. I could see them out my bedroom window in the garden, Remus lay in the grass trying to read, Sirius lay using Remus's tummy like a pillow while yelling commands at James and Peter.

I dipped my quill in some ink and started to write.

Dear Reg

I'm glad to hear you're okay. Sirius is quickly getting back to normal, as I write this he's in the garden annoying James so as you can tell he hasn't changed.
We're going to a Queen concert on August 9th. I'm guessing it's going to be at Wembley Stadium and I know you won't be able to come out all day without your mother asking questions but we will be in London all day before the show if you can manage to slip away.
It's just an idea obviously but if you could manage then I would love to see you, I miss you more than I would ever say because that's soppy.

Love form your y/n

After folding up the letter and attaching it to his owl's leg, I walked out of my room with sunglasses and a book and went to go outside with the boys.


"Wake up it's Queen day!"

7 in the morning and Sirius had ripped open my curtains letting sunlight stream in through my window, James and Peter were jumping on my bed while Remus rubbed his eyes sleepily, he had probably had the same rude awakening.

"How early is it?" I grumbled and rubbed my eyes after wacking my brother in the back of his knee so he would fall over.

"7. But we're meeting the others at 12 and Sirius takes three hours to do his hair and James will be stressing because it's his first official date with Lily apparently. And quite frankly, I can't put up with them alone and neither can Pete so we need you." Remus smirked.

"You're so lucky I'm excited for Queen." I got out of bed. "Right! Let's stick to our schedule then, you all go pack a bag of everything you'd possibly need I'm going to have a shower then we can pick outfits."

"Don't take forever." Sirius smirked because we all knew it was him who was the one to take forever on his hair.

"Hypocrite!" I laughed and once I had kicked the boys out of my room I went to have a shower. I washed my hair, the usual boring routine and then picked out an outfit. We were seeing Queen, I couldn't wear anything with no pizzazz.

((I don't normally add pictures but u can imagine her wearing something like this, or don't not everyone is going to have the same style

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((I don't normally add pictures but u can imagine her wearing something like this, or don't not everyone is going to have the same style.

Glancing in the mirror, I was satisfied with my outfit and while my hair was in rollers, I did my makeup and eye liner ((ignore if you have curly hair))

About half an hour later, everything was done and I put on some platform boots.

The boys were packing a small bag with an extending charm when I walked into James's room. Sirius had a leather jacket on and some Black jeans, Peter wore his favorite red coloured converese and a denim jacket, Remus had a usual sweater on and some docs like me. James had a fancy velvet red button up shirt on and some darker jeans. Of course he had made no effort to fix his hair but he never had.
"You all look fancy, let's see what you've packed." I smiled and looked in their bag.

All their wands were in there, a lot of spending money, snacks and little things like deoderent etc. "We did alright didn't we?" Sirius smiled.

"You mean Remus, Wormy and I did. You sat in the mirror doing your hair." James laughed.

"One of us had to!" Sirius grinned and pushed James playfully. "Y/n would you be a dear and do my eyeliner?"

"Of course I would pads." I smiled and got some eye liner. He sat on James's desk as I very carefully dragged the black pen under his waterline, he looked feminine but the way boys did. "You're so pretty."

Sirius smiled "We're so hot." He grinned. "Are we ready to meet the others?"

"Yeah I think they're going to appareate here." That was the plan Lily and I had arranged and then the others agreed to it too but James's eyes widened in panic.

"I need to tidy!" He almost screamed and jumped off his bed starting to throw dirty socks and shirts into a laundry basket.

"Just get Gully to do it." I laughed at his sudden reaction. "Or just use magic."

"Oh good idea, I think I can remember the spell." James's brow creased as he thought very hard and then he waved his wand and cleared his room up. Objects went flying back onto bookshelves and into draws


Lily, Mary and Marlene all apparated to my front garden just before lunch time. We were all very excited to see each other so of course there was a lot of hugging and excited squeals. James picked Lily up and spun her around in his arms, a bright smile on his face and I looked away when they kissed because I felt like I was intruding.

We went up to James's room to get ready and everything before apparating to London and I quickly went into my room to get some eye liner for Marlene when an owl was stranding on my window sill, a letter in its beak.

I got a thrill of excitement when I realized who it was from and quickly took the letter and ripped off the envelope. I made sure to give the owl some affection with one hand, stroking his soft grey feathers and I held the letter in the other.

I'll meet you at the concert

- R. A. B


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