Chapter 39 - First date

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"Give me a hint?"


"How much longer do we have to walk my feet hurt."

Reg was taking me to a mystery date spot and we had been walking for a little while. I was very hungry and not in the mood for a hike. He huffed like he was annoyed and picked me up so I had my arms and legs wrapped around him. He was acting annoyed but I noticed the smile on his lips. "Better for you princess?" He teased.

"Much." I smiled and put my head on his shoulder. It wasn't like I was sniffing him but I couldn't help but notice he smelled really good.

"Not much longer now. You'll like it I promise." He told me, he made lifting me up look easy. It didn't even make him out of breath. "Close your eyes."

"Fine." I laughed and shut my eyes, I had truly no idea where we were going. With my eyes closed, I laid my head on his shoulder like a pillow, listening to his heart and his steady breathing feeling very relaxed.

Until he pretended like he was going to drop me.


"I'm sorry I couldn't resist." He laughed and kissed my cheek, holding me secure again. "Close your eyes again I want it to be a surprise."

"Well now I don't trust you." I laughed

"I won't drop you." He chuckled "Trust me."

"You better not." I moved forward so our foreheads were resting against each other and looked into his eyes. "Promise?"

Reg laughed at the funny angle he was probably seeing me at and looked directly into my eyes "Promise."

I shut my eyes again and when he told me to open them we were far from the castle, at a spot by the lake full of wild flowers, a picnic blanket was laid out. "Aww Reg did you do all this." I smiled.

"I got some house elves to do it but the idea was mine." He chuckled and put me down. When I looked in the basket, there were all my favorite foods. Lotus biscuits, BBQ pizza, chocolate frogs, even muggle haribo cherries along with some Nutella sandwiches and a Victoria sponge cake with sugar and strawberries on top. "Wow these are all my favorites!" There were bottles of butter beer in the basket too.

He smiled at my reaction "Yeah I know. That's why I chose them." He said and sat down next to me on the blanket. He picked a daisy and tucked it behind my ear.

"Who knew you'd be any good at romance." I smiled, I didn't like big things but the little things like remembering my favorite foods and taking me to a cute picnic spot, wow. He was so perfect.

"Well you're the person I hate the least so I try my best." He said while getting out the pizza.

"Is that your way of telling me you love me?" I smirked and took a slice of pizza.

"I suppose it is, yes." He smiled and pulled me into a soft kiss.

"Well I love you too." I smiled and began to dig in on my pizza. I was the girl Regulus Black hated the least, a title I was very proud of.


We ate and ate until all the pizza, and the cake and the biscuits and most of the sweets were gone. We laid back on the picnic blanket next to each other staring at the sky. "I've eaten so much I feel pregnant." I chuckled and put a hand on my belly which was a little bloated but who cares.

"It's like when you've just had a Christmas dinner." Reg nodded in agreement and turned his head to look at me. When I tell you he had the most perfect side profile. His nose had a tiny little bump on the bridge and it was the cutest thing ever. "You know a lot about my family and I don't know anything about yours hardly, tell me about my future in-laws." He smirked.

I laughed and blushed a little. "Well, my parents are surprisingly good. I think I got lucky or something. Every Christmas my mum bakes a Christmas cake for us when we get home, in the summer they take us to Cornwall to the beach. They never yell when they're cross, they don't care what me and James do as long as we don't put ourselves in danger. They always take in people who need it. Sirius and Remus basically have their own rooms in my house." I chuckled "I wish you could meet them."

He smiled and held my hand, drawing little circles in my palm with his fingers as I spoke. "I wish I could meet them but I don't think they would like me. Not many of your people do." He chuckled. "Except Marlene."

"Or course except Marlene." I laughed. "You make me happy, that's what they'd like. And you feed me. That doesn't hurt either. Which reminds me I must save these chocolate frogs for Moony." I wanted to save some chocolate frogs for him but I was way too lazy to sit up.

"Why is it you call him Moony?" Reg asked me and I didn't know how to answer. It was his secret to tell, not mine. And I knew for a fact he wouldn't tell Reg.

"Sirius and James came up with it in first year, it just stuck." I lied and it was half true.

"And why is James called prongs? Your group has some weird nicknames." He chuckled.

"Want to know a secret?" I grinned. "Because James is actually a deer, he became an animagus but if you tell anyone I'd have to kill you."

"Oh!" He nodded like it made a lot on sense "And worm tail...Peter is a rat?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Fitting." He smirked like he was trying not to laugh.

"Hey don't be mean." I hit his arm gently, it was sort of true but Peter was our friend.

"Sorry sorry." He laughed. "I'm going to have a swim you coming?" He asked and sat up.

"I haven't got anything to swim in." I shrugged but sat up also.

"Who said you needed anything to swim in?" He smirked and took his t shirt off.

I smirked and stripped down to my underwear, he had done the same and he looked me up and down. "Take a picture it lasts longer." I teased.

"Good idea." He grinned and picked me up, over his shoulder, then ran into the lake.

"Reg!" I squealed and struggled against him, when we hit the water he let go and we both swam to the surface. It was cold but a pleasant way to cool off from the heat.

I pushed my wet hair out of my face and smiled at the sight of him, his hair was wet and slicked back, the sun was bringing out the deep blue in his eyes and he was so beautiful.

"I'm gonna love you forever y/n I never want anyone else." He told me and pulled me into a kiss. I put my arms around him and kissed him back, forever was an awfully long time.

((Sorry for not updating the past 2 days I wanted to give myself a chance to write more chapters as I've fallen a little behind but there's a cute date for you
We hit 8k and thanks to the people who are always voting and commenting y'all are angels
- Author :)

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