Chapter 48 - Queen day pt 2

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I giggled happily at the idea of seeing Reg, then I stuffed the letter into my pocket.
Today was going to be so good I just knew it, we were seeing Queen and I got to go with my best friends and my boyfriend.

I went back into James's room after retrieving my eyeliner, we had Queen playing on his record player. "Marls I've got your eyeliner." I smiled.

Marlene sat opposite me on James's bed as I carefully drew the wings. "You're the only person I trust to do this." She chuckled. While everyone was rushing about getting ready, Lily and James were sat cuddled on his bed. Lily wore a soft smile and put her head on James's shoulder.

"You two are so cute." Mary smiled, she was applying gold glitter to her eyelids sat cross legged in front of James's full length mirror.

"We are." Lily nodded in agreement with a smile and kissed James's cheek.

"Ooh what's this y/n?" Marlene picked up a bit of paper that had fallen out of my pocket. I sighed and just let her read it, this isn't how I wanted them to find out but there was no stopping it. "I'll meet you at the concert, R.A.B." She read out and raised an eyebrow. "Do you have a dealer?"

"No- those are my brothers initials. Is he coming?" Sirius asked.

I nodded with a sigh and played with the ring on my finger, a nervous habit. "I just wanted to see him and see that he's alright."

Sirius was quiet, his face looked conflicted. I knew part of him wanted to see if Reg was okay too.

"What if they find him and we get attacked?" Peter asked looking at us all, everyone fell silent.

"What's the likelihood of that really?" Lily said, defending me. "Besides its Mary, Remus, Marlene and I that have to worry about that. You're a pure blood anyway Peter."

"I just thought we were getting a break from him, he's not a good person!" Peter blurted then his eyes widened as he realized I was standing right there.

"I don't want to hear it!" I snapped "It's easy for you lot, James and Lily know they'll always have each other. You can go anywhere you like without being scared. Excuse me for wanting to make sure my boyfriend is okay after everything that happened! Until you're in my situation I don't want to hear you telling me what is and isn't right. You don't know Reg the way I do, he's a good person he's just not allowed to be." I huffed and sat back down next to Marlene who put an arm around me.

Peter was bright red and there was a loud silence. "I support it. Y/N's my sister it sort of goes without saying. " James spoke up.

"Yeah I'd like to see that he's alright, it will probably be my last time ever seeing him so." Sirius nodded in agreement.

"Anyone else have a problem with Regulus being there?" Marlene addressed the group, no objections.

"Good, once everyone is ready let's go." James said cheerily, taking on the role of leader that seemed to come so naturally to him.


"Everyone knows what we're doing right?" James checked with everyone, we were all gathered round in my garden getting ready to apparate. Some of us were better than others, Remus managed on his first try at school and Peter... Well he tried his best but he was going to hold Mary's hand.

We all nodded in response and partnered up ready to apparate. Lily and James, Sirius and Remus, Mary and Peter then Marlene and I. Lily and James were the first to go, they disappeared with a crack, hopefully they were in London and not up a mountain somewhere.

Marlene turned to look at me "You do it." She said as she held my hand firmly. "To Queen!"

"To Queen we go!" I laughed and then pictured the city in my head, Trafalgar square was where we had agreed to end up and then...

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