Chapter 7 - secrets

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That Saturday morning I walked out onto the Quidditch pitch with James walking confidently at my side, well more of a strut but that was James for you. Marlene was with us too, broom in hand and along with a lot of other hopeful Gryffindors all trying out for the team.

Marlene was an exceptional beater, her brother played for the chudley cannons and he trained her in the summer. James and I were chasers, my brother soared through the sky like he was born on a broom. I was good too given that he basically put me into boot camp whenever quidditch matches or try outs came up. We were a brilliant team and didn't need to try out to know we both already had a spot.

It was my turn to go up, James gave me a little thumbs up with his usual grin. I was a little confident and a little nervous all at the same time. The sun was out meaning it was nice and warm but there was a strong breeze, perfect flying conditions.

We mounted our brooms and kicked off the ground, flying into the air. James's flying style was showy and flashy,  my flying style was quick and precise, I made sharp turns here and there avoiding other chasers while James flew circles and loops as a way of making himself hard to tackle. (And impress Lily)

I could predict his every move just as he could with mine, we didn't even need to communicate and soon we had scored 7 goals between us. The keeper was quick but not quicker than us. 

I flew to the ground, James behind me and he high fived me, that exhilarated smile on his face the one he only got after he flew his broom. His hair was completely messy from the wind, mine was in two neat braids so it didn't get messed up. He always ran his hand through his hair to make it messy like he just got off a broom, thought it made him look cool. Of course I teased him for that.

James had been trying extra hard this year, next year the Quidditch Captain spot was open meaning he was getting down to business even more than usual. "We were brilliant" He grinned.

"Yes we were." I smiled and linked arms with him, when the other boys (Sirius) weren't around, we would link arms the way we used to when we were a lot younger.

Marlene hit all the bludgers like she could do it with her eyes closed, I really hoped we would all be on the team like last year it was so fun.

We would find out tomorrow if we were on the team, for now James, Marlene and I walked back to the common room to meet the others. We talked and laughed happily, I walked in the middle of the two my arm around each of their shoulders. That was when the Slytherin team walked onto the pitch, there was no laughter with them. Just the look of a strong superiority complex and a serious look on all their faces. Regulus Black was with them, walking next to Barty Crouch Jr. That boy, Barty, had a deranged look in his eyes and when he did smile it was simply cruel, like he had never known happiness.

I looked over at Regulus, I wondered if this was how I would find out if he would even acknowledge my existence with the others there. He met my eyes but I couldn't tell what he was thinking, I never could. When he realized he held my gaze for too long he looked away and I thought that was it until I heard Barty Crouch's voice.

"Filthy half breed" He spat at Marlene and I already drew my wand, James seemed to have done the same. Marlene could look after herself I knew that, didn't mean I wouldn't batter him for good measure.

"Can you not go a day without being a wanker?" I sighed, I was out of patience for this blood status bull shit and it only seemed to get worse as the years went on.

"How dare you talk to me Potter!" He raised his wand and I prepared myself to deflect a hex or curse.

Much to my surprise, it was Regulus who stopped Barty. His put his hand on the other boys arm bringing it down rather forcefully. "Leave it Barty," There was something in his voice that almost sounded protective but I didn't want to kid myself. "Don't waste your time on her, we can just beat them in the next quidditch match" He added and gave me a quick smirk.

Barty seemed to calm down a little "watch it Potter, McKinnon. I'm playing beater." He growled and they walked off.

That was definitely a threat, James and I would be chasers and if he got the spot as beater that put us both in a sticky situation especially if someone crazy as Barty was out for me.
"He forgets that I'll be a beater too, you'd think with all that pretentiousness they'd be somewhat clever." Marlene smirked and I laughed. We didn't let the threat from Barty dampen our mood as we walked back to the common room.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

That night was the full moon. I walked up to the boys dorm before it got dark to give moony a hug as I always did, only the boys and I knew. I was the first to join the dots as why Remus disappeared every full moon and I was the first he told, James then later worked it out and that's how the boys found out.

Now we just supported him in what little ways we could, we stayed in hospital with him the next day too. I walked up the steps to the big wooden door of their dorm and knocked 5 times, that's how they knew it was me.
"Come in y/n." I heard James's voice call.

When I walked in, Sirius was grinning like a maniac. All the boys seemed buzzing, sure they were all excitable anyway especially Sirius but this was something else. Usually on a full moon we all put on a brave face for Remus then worried about him after, sometimes I swore I could hear screams and howls maybe that was my imagination. At least I hope so.

"What's going on?" I asked, I couldn't help but smile it was contagious.

"Oh nothing nothing" James quickly shook his head.

I looked at him in confusion before giving Remus a hug, people often assumed I was dating Sirius, Remus or Peter but they were as much my brothers as James was. There was no point in asking questions like will you be okay? Because I knew he would be in a lot of pain when he turned but he would be okay in the morning. "I'll bring you breakfast and chocolate in the morning." I told him.

Remus would always say he wasn't big on affection and then lay with his head on my lap in the common room so I could make little braids in his hair. He looked scary and we often used him to scare first years away from our favorite lunch spots but he was a sweetheart.

"See you then." Remus smiled, for the first time ever he genuinely looked happy before a full moon what was going on?

"Right, bye y/n see you in the morning! Sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite!" James smiled and basically pushed me put of the dorm.

I stood on the other end of the dorm in confusion, I never stuck around long enough to make a nuisance of myself, we could go a long long time without needing a break to be alone and I had never been shooed out especially by James, my own brother.

It was clear, the boys were up to something.

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