Chapter 82 - 18th Birthday

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The morning after Remus's birthday bought a hangover along with it so that day was spent cuddled up with Marlene, who was feeling equally shit and sleeping the day away.


I was up late revising the night before my birthday, I wouldn't get much homework done then. The library was peacefully quiet, not many people were spending their Friday night studying so I was pretty much alone. At least that was until Reg came along and hugged me from behind as I was sat down, he was leaning over and placed his chin on my shoulder. "It's the night before your birthday and you're revising potions?" He chuckled.

"I don't want to get behind and I won't be doing any work tomorrow" I said simply, shuffling my flashcards.

"Come on my love it's getting late. What's the plan for your birthday tomorrow?" He asked and sat next to me.

"Party in the Gryffindor common room and in the day me and you should sneak off into London for a day out." I smiled.

"Oh and you're only letting me know the night before?" Reg laughed but he didn't say no. "I'll take you to some good places, it will be like that day we saw Queen.' He smiled.

"Sounds perfect." I smiled happily. "It will be nice to get out this castle with you, it would be like how we can live when we leave school." And after the war. But I didn't want to say that. It would kill the mood and we both knew it anyway. Whenever anyone mentioned the name Voldemort these days there was an energy shift in the room, everything went dark and there was an odd sort of tension. The conversation topic was best left avoided.

"Oh so you've already planned you're future with me huh?" Reg grinned playfully.

"Yes I have actually, I'm either marrying you or ruining your wedding your choice." I grinned and booped his nose playfully with my quill. "Don't act like you haven't thought about a future together."

"I have actually, a lot." He said genuinely and I was suddenly curious about what sort if ideas he had.

"And what do your plans look like?" I asked him.

"Well, we'll get a nice big house together, near London but not right in the city so we have our peace and quiet but we can still go and do things. We need to have a big enough garden so I can continue to beat you at quidditch of course-"

"Hey I'm the one beating you!" I laughed.

Reg laughed a little and continued "You can choose what decor we have for the house because I like your taste, but no Roger Taylor shrines." He chuckled. Marlene and I had a picture of Roger Taylor in a photo frame in our form window surrounded with candles.

"Well at least you know where you stand." I teased. I only joked like that because Reg new he was my one and only, always. "And we can save money to travel anywhere we like, I want to see the world."

Reg smiled "I'd take you anywhere you wanted, starting with London tomorrow."

I smiled happily, this boy was my future I just knew it. I leaned in and kissed him gently. "I'm so in love with you..." I whispered.

Reg smiled and kissed my cheek gently with kiss after kiss.

"And Roger Taylor." I finished with a grin and he laughed.

"Right fuck you I'm going to bed" He picked me up over his shoulder and carried me out of the library.

"Reg no! If you drop me I'll push you off the astronomy tower." I threatened but it was all in a playful way.

"Maybe I'll drop you off the stairs." He said casually "say you love Roger Taylor one more time and I will."

"But Roger-" I began just to annoy him and he faked like he was about to drop me "Reg!" I squealed. "Ok ok I'm sorry I love you more." I laughed.

By the time he put my down, we were outside my dorm. "Goodnight birthday girl." He grinned and kissed me.
I put my arms around him and kissed him.

"Goodnight Roger replacement." I teased and Reg flicked my ear. "Ow!"

"You're such a dickhead." He chuckled.

"Yeah but you don't love me because I'm so chill and give you so much space and never tease you do you?" I chuckled.

"Nah, I don't love you because you're so good at potions either." He teased.

I laughed and kissed him again "love you dickhead, I need sleep I'll see you in the morning."

"Can't wait." Reg smiled and kissed my forehead then I went into the common room and up to my dorm.

"It's the birthday bitch!" Mary smiled and twirled me round when I got into the dorm. Everyone was walking around the room, taking off makeup, brushing teeth, tidying before bed etc.

"I'm going to London with Reg tomorrow." I smiled "And then we're having a party back here."

"We already planned you a party I'm glad you had similar ideas." Lily smiled "That sounds like a cute little date I'm excited for you both."

"I'm excited, he's going to take me to some nice places." I smiled and began to brush my hair through to get into bed.

"You can legally buy us drinks tomorrow." Marlene grinned.

"And I will be." I laughed, getting under the covers of my bed, wriggling about to get warm "I'm going to get my sleep. I won't get a moments peace tomorrow." I smiled.

"Why would you want a moments peace when it's your birthday! We have to celebrate you've made it this far without doing something stupid." Mary teased me and I laughed.

With that we all went to sleep, excited for the next day.

.・✫・゜・。..・✫・゜・。..・゜-: ✧ :-  
((Why are so many of my comments you guys naming these lmao))

"Haaaaappy birthday toooo youuu!" I was woken up by a loud chorus of singing, Sirius, Remus, James and Peter burst into my dorm. "Haaaaappy birthday toooo youuuu, happy biiiirthday dear y/n, haaaaappy birthday toooo youuu!" Peter had a cheesy grin, and Sirius did a dramatic twirl and then jazz hands after they finsihed their performance.

Despite how tired I was, I couldn't help but smile and clap "Morning boys, happy birthday James." I smiled and Lily jumped onto my bed, giving me a cuddle.

"Happy birthday!" She smiled and Marlene and Mary joined the cuddle.

"Prongs I'll steal your girl one of these days." I grinned. "Thanks everyone, give me a minute to wake up and let's all have breakfast yeah?" I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"Hold on, you're forgetting presents!" Remus smiled.

Everyone sat on my bed, I got some brilliant presents each of them very thoughtful gifts from each friend.

We were all walking to breakfast and Peter suddenly ran off down the corridor. "I nearly forgot, go sit down I'll meet you!" He yelled back at us.

In the hall, all the paintings started singing happy Birthday to me and James and soon people in the hall joined in too. I actually didn't like a lot of fuss being made over me but Sirius wouldn't hear if for a second. This had always been the same since first year, it gets to a point where you learn you can never refrain Sirius Black.

Regulus came into the hall, a big smile on his face as soon as he saw me which was quite rare when we weren't alone. He came and sat next to me giving me a hug, we had got very good at ignoring looks from everyone. "Happy birthday darling." He grinned and kissed me.

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