Chapter 78 - The Commom room

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We received a strange look from the fat lady as I said the password, and then strange looks from other Gryffindors as we walked in the common room. Some didn't mind Reg, some really really did.

He didn't look nervous at all, he looked proud as always but I knew he was nervous so I laced my fingers with his, holding his hand as a way of giving him reassurance.

My boys were all sat on a sofa except James who was on one with Lily, Marlene and Mary were cuddled up in an arm chair together. "Hey bitches." I grinned and sat down on an empty sofa with Reg.

Most of the group smiled when they saw us, Peter was scared of Reg but wouldn't admit it. Lily gave Reg a warm, kind, Lily Evans smile and Marlene waved. "I was wondering when you'd show up." Mary smiled.

"You two are hot together." Marlene grinned.

"Oh I know." I joked. "What did we miss?" I asked looking around the group.

"I got a date with Dorcas!" Peter smiled. "She's so nice and funny and she doesn't call me wormy!" He gave Sirius a pointed look with the last part.

"Sounds great Wormy." Sirius grinned just to annoy him. "Where did you take our y/n then Reg? Better be top quality."

"As if y/n would settle for any less." Reg laughed a little and I elbowed him playfully.

"It was great we took out a little boat on the lake and I painted our son- oh shit our son! I'll be right back." I ran up to my dorm and gently picked up bear off my bed where he had stayed. I held him close to my chest and carefully walked back down stairs, "This is our child, Bear." I sat down next to Reg again.

Lily smiled "He's so cute!" She reached over to pet him and he started purring.

"Reg got him for me." I smiled and kissed Reg's cheek.

"Are you serious?" Sirius smiled in surprise, it seemed to be going well with the two.

"No you're Sirius." Reg smirked. For any of us, that joke had got old a few years ago but the fact that after everything Reg was here being able to tease his brother it had some sort of meaning to it. It was more than just a joke it a brick rebuilding their relationship.

Bear hissed when Sirius reached to pet him and Sirius shrieked jumping back a little. "You just smell too strongly of wet dog." James teased him.

When Remus tried to pet him, he was a clear favorite. Bear crawled up his arm and made himself comfortable on his shoulder, Remus's jumpers were very comfy after all. "How does it feel knowing I'm the favorite Uncle?" Remus grinned.

Sirius huffed and crossed his arms. "I'd like to see Peter try." He mumbled.

"Hey! You know I'm afraid of cats! Mrs Norris tried to eat me once!" Peter protested.

I laughed and layed my head on Reg's shoulder. It made me smile when I noticed how he was visibly more comfortable and in a good mood.

I noticed Sirius looking over at us with a small smile. "I'm glad you two are together." He admitted.

"Me too." Reg nodded and it made me smile. "And I'm happy for you and Remus." He said, no one had told him about Sirius and Remus but it was clear enough.

Sirius tried not to smile too widely. "I appreciate that. It means alot." I remembered how scared he was for people to know, how he fidgeted nervously while telling me and was scared to look into my eyes.

The mood was good in the common room that night, I was surrounded by everyone I loved. Reg and Sirius were rebuilding their relationship through laughs and jokes, James would treat Reg with good grace and I knew he was starting to like him more. Remus and Reg bonded over their favorite books, and Peter was getting less scared which was good.

"Goodness me I'm so tired." I yawned and sat in Reg's lap. I wasn't tired. I just wanted an excuse. He knew what I was doing, he wrapped his arms around my waist lightly brushing his fingers along my waistline.

Lily was holding bear, he had taken a shine to her and was basking in the attention from her and James. I subtly shuffled in Reg's lap to tease him. "Y/n not here..." He whispered into my hair and masked it with a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm not doing anything." I mumbled back with a smirk.

"Y/n I swear to God-" He bit his lip gently but he made no effort to get me off, instead he kept his arms around me.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed early today, Reg come with so I can have a cuddle." I smiled and stood up. Reg got the hint and stood up too.

"A cuddle!" Marlene laughed. "Think it's best if we avoid the dorm for the next... 6 minutes?" She grinned teasingly.

Reg didn't get defensive, he just smirked. "You chill down here for a bit." I grinned.

Sirius crossed his arms looking at Reg, "I'm surprised you could even talk to girls."

"Please! Reg seems far more romantic than you ever were!" Mary teased him playfully.

"He has his moments." Remus smirked, sitting back comfortably.

"Yeah but it's different for guys isn't it?" Peter said, not really thinking about what he was saying.

I crossed my arms, he was met with a lot of bad looks from the group. "How?" I asked. "Please elaborate."

"Well, only girls really care about romance right? It's not bad or anything!" He said hurridly, going bright red.

"Pete. A word." James said all mother-like and put his arm around Peter leading him off into a quiet corner of the common room to have a chat with him.

When they came back, I wasn't too sure what James said but Peter was bright red. "Ok thats our queue to go, goodnight everyone." I smiled and took Reg's hand going upstairs.

He said goodbye to everyone before we walked upstairs, as soon as we got in my dorm he pushed the door shut and kissed me, holding me against the wall.
"You have no idea the effect you have on me y/n." He whispered and put his hands on my shirt to take it off.

I smacked his hand away with a smirk. "Be patient." I smirked knowing I was teasing him and slowly took off my shirt. He shamelessly eyed up my body.
I unzipped the side of my skirt and let it slip off my hips falling to the floor.

I took off his shirt and threw it to the floor, running my hands over his body. The room was silent, I could almost hear his quickening heart beat.
He leaned down and kissed me and I kissed him back, without breaking the kiss, he sat back on my bed and I sat on his lap.

He ran his hands up my thighs and squeezed my ass. I ran my fingers through his hair as I kissed him and and tugged gently, he hummed against my lips and reached behind my to unlatch my bra. "You're fucking beautiful." He breathed in my ear and kissed down my neck.

"I'm all yours Reg." I whispered looking into his ice blue eyes, I drew the curtains on my bed, cast a silencing charm and the rest was history.

((sorry for not updating much I hardly have the motivation to get out of bed and go to school yayyy but I'll get better I promise. Thanks everyone for being patient and still reading my book I love reading all the comments to motivate me to write more
Author :)

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