The Birthday

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Glossary of this chapter:
Y/N = Your Name.
P.O.V = Point of View.


_____Twilight Era: After defeating the usurper Zant, time of the restoration of the kingdom_____

After the usurper of the throne tried to exterminate almost the entire Sheikah, the sovereign of Hyrule, Zelda, had set up camps for the survivors throughout the kingdom and several years after living in exile our society returned strengthened to support our princess who bravely recovered the crown.

Our duty will always be to live for the royal family, it will always be so, and if one of us dies, another Sheikah will come to cover the duty; It is a tradition that no one objects to, after all, the royal family always sought from the Sheikah as we did from them.

It was not a cult, nor a religion, you are born as a Sheikah, you train to be able to survive, not only to protect the royal family, also the other provinces and towns, but because of that we're a society that has always been in danger for being in the first battle line.

After training there are several job options, but if you were the son of the boss, or of a sheikah scientist then it was almost a priority that at least one of the sons followed the parent's legacy.

In this case, my father is a scientist, my big brother is also one and now that the water level was reaching alarming levels in various regions, they were called to prevent another great flood with the power of technology, for my family, technology was the key to our survival, not just mine, for decades teams of Sheikah scientists created huge creatures, made of metal and stone with strange animal shapes, our people were just discovering them and trying to understand them.

They were called "Divine Beasts".

Vah Naboris, according to one of the scientists, it had the form of a camel, named like that because of Nabooru, the gerudo who helped the hero of the ancient era to seal Ganon in the sacred realm ... Although the gerudo were extinct or at least I think so, maybe it was made as the form of an apology for not being able to protect them; The beast could withstand the high temperatures of the desert and generated powerful lightning bolts.

Vah Rudania, perhaps in the name of the champion and chief Darunia but with a different order of letters, another sage who helped the hero of the time, had the shape of a salamander, climbed all kinds of rock formation and with his powerful legs caused earthquakes; I've never seen a goron personally, but they say that their strength alone is impressive.

Vah Rutah, in the name of an ancient zora princess and sage, who fell in love with the hero of the ancient times, it had the shape of an elephant, in my opinion the most cute beast of all, it generated strong sources of water and freezes in seconds what it sees, that wasn't cute; It was definitely the most practical beast for battle.

And finally, Vah Medoh named after the sage of the great flood; Medli, they came from a new species that had escaped when the twilight beings arrived, the rito ... or orni, we still didn't know what name they used, only that they hate us with all their hearts.

My father didn't lead any of these discoveries, many began even before he was born, before the usurpation of the throne, but he was invited along with my brother to try to give the beasts a "language" and "something" that would unite them, two scientists in things that no other intellect would easily understand.

We were now on an expedition at the desert province, near an oasis, the now queen Zelda and her new "Second Hand", advisor and captain of the royal guard (it seems to be newly founded, I never heard of that before), a certain "Link", they were in charge of supervising everything that happened; I never met either of them but their stories far preceded them, they would soon be arriving to see the progress with the "Vah Naboris" excavation.

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