The Notebook

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Glossary for this chapter:
N / A: Not Available
P.O.V: Point of View
Y/ N: Your Name
L/N: Last Name

___ N / A P.O.V ___

They say that every so often a soul is chosen to guide the soul of the hero, it is a creature or person willing to guide and help him throughout his journey, very few souls along the millennia have been conferred the task of something so important, and another thing is certain: Everyone ends up loving the hero in one way or another, be it romantic or brotherly love, but they always end up feeling love towards that brave soul that they swear to protect with their existence no matter how many lives he has.

Many ended up being extinguished, sacrificing themselves, the destiny of the guiding soul is always the same: To die trying to protect the hero and his loved ones or to separate their paths, Fairies, Twili, Hylians, and even the master sword itself. On this occasion, the chosen soul was y/n, a soul that was born before his/her/their time, but perhaps the knowledge of the past would be a great guide to the hero who had not yet awakened his power.

No one knew, and no one will know that the spirits of light that protected the provinces of Hyrule offered their very existence to freeze the soul of the sheikah for so many centuries and to continue to preserve his/her/their memory because they knew that mortals themselves later would forget y/n's existence, now the spirits inhabited the sheikah as unconscious voices, voices of reason and visions of the future, as long as the light existed in Hyrule, the four spirits would be essentially accompanying the millennial Sheikah.

It was unknown what would happen when y/n finished with his/her/their mission, would he/she/they die? Would he/she/they live? Why did the goddesses choose someone so ordinary for this task?

___Y/N P.O.V ___

After that accident I stopped wearing Yiga or Sheikah uniforms or clothes and limited myself to wearing traveler's clothes that even combined more with the wings and my mask; Attacks by Yigas that belonged to much lower echelons than Sooga, Sebit or Merv followed, most of them went unnoticed and I decided not to say a word about the matter and just face them in silence.

I didn't want Zelda to be forbidden as the couple of scientists to investigate something that was so necessary for the protection of the kingdom, but in exchange I became more distant, I took advantage of the dead times to practice descending my wings from different heights, while I was in the divine beast, the princess asked me to translate a couple of notebooks and engravings that were in ancient Hylian. I still felt Urbosa's gaze on me, as if she knew something that I didn't.

It was one of the afternoon, a couple of days before my departure to Hebra that the gerudo dared to speak to me, or she found the perfect moment where we were alone, at that hour I decided to climb to the top of a shore near something called "Sanctuary" (which apparently were places built at the end of a far-away era by Sheikah monks) surrounded by a circle of statues called "The Seven Heroines" in the ruins of gerudo east near the entrance to the desert.

After climbing up I secured the wing straps to my arms, got used to their weight, put on my mask and let out a sigh. It was the first time I would jump from such a high place, I did my best to put my mind blank to start running with all my strength. When the moment came I jumped up and spread the cape with the wind holding the cloth tightly, if it weren't for a pair of strong flexible rods, all the work of the resistance exerted by the wings when unfolding in the fall would break my arms, they were perfectly designed, my body glided and landed right in the center of the seven heroines at one side of the sanctuary.

I realized that the breath I was holding the whole time, after recovering it, I began to jump over and over again in a triumphant way, celebrating for finally mastering the cape, it only took me ... Thousands of years, but I had finally learned to use them!

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