The Question

637 16 3

Chapter Glossary:
P.O.V: Point of View.
T / N: Your Name.
E/C: Eye Color.
H/C: Hair Color.
S/C: Skin Color.
N / A P.O.V: No point of view

___ N / A P.O.V ___

Almost two years passed (Exactly one year and 7 months), and there was still no news of the stolen technology; The existence of the millennial Sheikah was easily forgotten by most of the kingdom's inhabitants, he/she/they sometimes got mentioned in gossip, but nothing more.

A blond young man with blue eyes who had barely turned 16 years old began to attract the attention of King Rhoam, they had found him in Hateno Village after some monsters tried to invade the place and he repelled them, the boy lived alone but was a boy very loved by the community.

He came from a long bloodline of knights, many said that his ability was innate, but in reality he practiced, day and night, even while growing up in the village; Some soldiers tried to hang out with him, they looked after him like a little brother after all he was the youngest soldier to enlist in generations.

-Again, Training since five, this is horrible- one of his comrades complained as they ran around the training field -They want to send soldiers to that " expedition" - said another -Ughhh, surely it is a myth, or it is a dead person, nobody can be among the Yiga for so long, I heard they already found a body, none of us wants to go-

They were talking about the kingdom still searching for Sleeper, where most of the people saw as an useless attempt to face the enemy clan, the soldiers ran around one of the extensive backyards of the castle in a red-earth course in the shape of an oval, the place's backyards were mostly used for fighting practice on horseback and for the daily mandatory exercise before sword training in Hyrule's militia.

The young man from Hateno was listening to the conversation, his expression was serene, many said he was made of stone but in reality he was just a teen who just had to pretend he had everything under control, in order not to disappoint so many people believing in him -I'm sure Link thinks the same, hey! Newbie! Don't you think it is a waste of time? - asked the complaining soldier.

- ... I don't know ... - he answered vaguely, he obviously heard that rumor even when he lived in the village, when the squad finished their daily training, they sat down to rest near one of the main doors that lead back to the castle, sitting under a tree's shadow -You're exaggerating, Koh, I don't see it as a bad thing, I would see it as paid vacations-

-It's because you're lazy Bikah, you should follow Link's example, he just entered the militia and King Rhoam is already looking at his abilities- the two soldiers despite being older had the blond's dedication as a role model, some of them celebrated the Link's rapid rise, others were silent in jealousy and spread rumors around his lack of socializing skills.

Some of the servants went in and out using the door where they were near, it was one of the many back doors to be used by staff, Koh took out an old handkerchief, wiped the sweat and then passed it on to his friends, Bikah instead took out a canteen to share, Link gave away some fresh apples from a tree that grew near one of the royal gardens.

Soon other soldiers joined to talk about what they did in their training sessions, although Link was not as expressive or talkative, they accepted that and even joked innocently as they used to do with each other.

-Is the knight named Link among you?- Asked someone behind them, it was Impa.

She was now the new royal advisor, her mentor gave the young woman the rol now that Impa was ready, not so many months passed after she met the young princess who had barely turned 16, even for someone as formal as the Sheikah, the young monarch was beautiful but she remained even more formal and silent than her, when the king introduced them, the princess didn't gave an objection or opinion on various important issues in that reunion.

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