The Champions and the Hope

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OK. Before starting, we've reached +1K reads which is weird for me because people don't come unless the fanfic is already finished, thanks all of you for your support, reading and voting. Imma do a lot of cheesy scenes of you and our beloved champion. Thanks!

Y/ N: Your Name
P.O.V: Point of View
N / A: Not Available

___ Y/N P.O.V ___

After that meeting, the selected champions returned to their homes with the exception of Link, they would take the divine beasts to the center of Hyrule so that the inhabitants and the king would officially know the wonderful machines.

They returned just in time. It was one night before the festival to start, Zelda asked me to accompany her to show the champions their rooms. The knight was surprised to know that he would no longer sleep in the militia's headquarters but would have his own room, that touched me a bit.

However, while we were walking, some servants or guards looked at me with some suspicion. They knew, they all knew that I was from the Yiga.

When we said goodbye to Link, the princess gave a heavy sigh -Is there something wrong Zelda?- I asked a bit worried -It's nothing- she answered, obviously she was lying but I wasn't going to pressure her - By the way, why you're not staying at one of the guest rooms? After the investiture of the champions, we could go together to the festival - Zelda asked as she stopped the march.

I stopped and shrugged my shoulders while looking at the endless corridors -I'm not used to these kinds of places, I get lost very often, besides ... - I tried to excuse myself, a nervous laugh came out of me -Besides, all my things are in Lon Lon Rest-.

-Then come the day after tomorrow early to go together, please- she asked, I looked into her eyes, even though she had the matriarch Urbosa by her side, it seemed that her face gave away a "Don't leave me alone" similar to the request that a friend would do to another -I will do my best, we will go to the festival together the day after tomorrow- I promised.

She smiled and gave a yawn that told how tired she was -Zelda, I can find the exit by myself, please go to rest- I told her, she had a doubtful expression for a couple of moments -Well, but if you get lost, do not hesitate to tell one of the guards, sorry is just that... making the champion's garments...-

I smiled tenderly -I understand that was a very heavy task, don't worry and please rest- The princess left, I stood still, feeling a little excited, tomorrow would be the festival, I had not been to one since I was twelve.

Although the princess would not accompany me tomorrow due to a ceremony to which the king obviously did not invite me for obvious reasons, surely walking alone would bring back many memories.

I always wanted to participate in the tournament! Maybe I could finally do it!

I looked through one of the windows, there were so many stars, it seemed that the sky was as excited as I was. I didn't avoid humming in my mind while smiling broadly.

"That heartache you try to hide"

My conversation with King Dorephan came to my memory and immediately the smile like the little song that was repeating in my head disappeared.

True, I hadn't been to a festival since I was twelve years old. Dad tried to get into the tournament but they beat him almost immediately, Kitta won and the prize was the king's wish.

"There's no wish I could ask for!" My brother had said, I got very angry that time because he could have asked what he wanted. "If I win" I thought, putting my hands behind my back "If everything were possible ... I would like to see them. Just one more time" I admitted to myself.

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