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Glossary for this chapter:
Y/ N: Your Name
P.O.V: Point of View
N / A: Not Available

* Warning about this chapter: Death and blood.

___ Y/ N P.O.V ___

After having confessed our feelings we laid on the bed just to stare at each other, without trying anything else, Revali caressed my face, smiling as much as his beak allowed him until he fell asleep from exhaustion, after all almost all of us have fought the days against monsters, I looked at him for a few moments.

I ran my hand delicately over the feathers of his cheek, he did not react to the touch, even though I said "I love you". I felt bad because there was a lot of confusion inside of me, he was so sure of his feelings but I ...

-When did I fell in love with you? - I asked in a low voice, that I felt attraction towards him, love and desire was clear, but I did not know when it happened. I covered him with the blanket carefully and went to the fireplace to prepare an elixir against the cold.

I threw a couple of logs to the fire and cleared the ashes, clearly we were not going to return to the wedding, probably the rito came to the cabin instead of Link.

As I watched the fire dance on the charcoal and wood, I began to associate that with my feelings for Revali. "Do I love him? I definitely love him" I thought looking away to the luminous stone ring that now rested in my hand, it was like my own blue nightshade.

I put the ingredients to boil, I sat in front of the fire to warm myself, in which I hoped I began to recap all the moments that I was with Revali, when he threatened me, then he became ill, those days that I spent taking care of him, where I heard him whisper  "I must be strong" "curse this weak body"  "I am the strongest of all" over and over again, those moments of anguish, where I was afraid that something would happen to him.

Then, when I went to face Astor and Revali went with me to clear the forest from the monsters, my life was almost going to end if it had not been for him, when the fierce deity woke up for the first time, it the rito champion who took me to the Sheikah village and gave me a swallow bow along with a message that in a very passive-aggressive way told me to get better.

I laughed a little when I remembered that letter, where something else came...

I went to my things that I had thrown away on the desk, I desperately searched for the feather that he had sent me that occasion, when I took it out of my pouch I sighed in relief, it was the first time that he was willing to trust me, I sat down in front of the fire again to admire the beautiful blue color of the object.

Then he repaired my kodachi, my beloved kodachi, he finally agreed to escort me to Satori Mountain where he finally taught me how to use the bow in a basic way.

Satori Mountain...

When he apologized and stretched his wing to take my hand, since he knew I was sometimes scared by his presence, his movements with me became soft and gentle.

We looked into each other's eyes, in such a warm gaze, from then on I felt that I was no longer going to be alone.

I heard Revali wake up, yawn, after a couple of moments in silence he stood up, walked towards me, sat next to me and covered me with the blanket and soon I felt his wings surrounding my body -Sorry, I I fell asleep, I-

I smiled as I put my hand on one of his wings -We are both very tired, we have done nothing but watch over Tabantha region, I thought you would sleep more- I confessed turning to see him, Revali approached his beak to my face so that I could plant a kiss on this, which I did.

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