The Kid

501 12 2

Glossary for this chapter:
P.O.V: Point of View
Y / N: Your Name
N / A: Not Available

___ P.OV Y/ N ___

The horses trotted from time to time, we stopped for lunch and a little rest; At the place where the Akkala region was transformed into Lanayru we found an intersection where a couple of Sheikah were passing by along with some machines into a carved stone road.

It was my first time seeing that new generation of Sheikah, they all had different features, skin color, eyes but they had beautiful white hair and neat uniforms with color as their hair were the same making them look elegant and serious -So ethereal- the comment came out of my lips.

-We must get off the horses, they are transferring the guardians, I will investigate if we can pass through here- Merv indicated as she dismounted -What if we stole those things? - Sebit proposed doing the same, both of them wore traveler's clothes like me to pass unnoticed around the kingdom.

As I got off my horse I could perceive the severe gaze of the woman one on us -Don't be stupid, we're near the Akkala's fortress and surely these Sheikah have a camp not far away- she answered. The road even indicated that there were more people ahead as the dirt road was replaced by small stone slabs.

Suddenly I heard metallic sounds and that made me look up; The Guardians ... The Guardians! , those things were in a discovery, restoration and disassembly stage when my accident happened during the Twilight era.

I couldn't avoid approaching them, now that they were fully functional they looked so beautiful, those things had numerous elongated legs, and their bodies had a complexion of what seemed to be an octopus with antennae, in the part of the "Head" they had a kind of glass orb, similar the one I had on one of the bracelets.

It seemed that those orbs worked as eyes for those machines, one of those guardians leaned down while emitting slight sounds, separated from the group to approach me and gave a couple of beeps. It was trying to tell me something? Before it could get any closer, a Sheikah stepped between us.

-No, No, follow the line ... that's right, well done- the metal giant returned with his "Companions" like an scolded child, the Sheikah turned to see me -I'm sorry, they are very curious, it has been very difficult to transport them- he said, I nodded -Don't w'rry gentlem- I mean, don't worry sir - I said.

The man smiled, however when he saw my face he fixedly scanned it and seemed to memorize it perhaps out of mere formality -Nice tattoos! Or is it paint?- He asked -They look exotic anyway. Are you from a neighboring kingdom?- Before I could respond, Merv pulled my sleeve to wrap my waist around her arms in a protective gesture -Yes, they're!- I'm very sorry to interrupt your work sir! - exclaimed my superior with a sweet voice, it didn't even seem to be hers.

The man smiled, swallowing the lie completely -I see, then I hope you feel at home here in Hyrule!- He welcomed. Merv let me go in Sebit's direction who took me by the shoulder and squeezed it, hurting me slightly -Are you insane? - He asked, I ignored him; Merv acted completely different, she used a kind of natural sweetness to ask for indications of an alternative path so we wouldn't have to wait so long.

My imaginary cage seemed to continue to exist with these custodians.

I let go of Sebit's grip, and I went with my horse, took an apple out of my pouch to give it to the equine who accepted the food willingly -I would like to let you go but I think you'll be stranded with me for a while - I whispered, the horse gave a neigh as he understood me -Do you already have a name? - I asked now while looking for a clue in the mount, some name, initials but there was nothing.

"They didn't give you one" I thought sadly.

A name came to mind -How about 'Ordon'? That's where a friend I met comes from- the horse whinnied with joy ear as he brought his head to my shoulder -Okay, your name will be Ordon then- I smiled, a smell of pine trees came from his mane, that little moment was enough to calm me down, when Merv met with us, we reassembled to take an alternate route.

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