The Gerudo

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Glossary for this chapter:
E/c: Eye Color
N / A: Not Available
T / n: Your Name

___ N / A P.O.V ___

The excursion to check on Vah Naboris began in the morning, Zelda got into her carriage accompanied by warrior women who were dressed as royal court's companions, they advanced far enough for Rhoam to seeing them from the distance, leaning out from the main tower and to enter back into the castle, the transport stopped right in front of "Lon Lon Ranch", one of Zelda's guards got out to look for y/n.

Before knocking on the door, y/n opened it and came out immediately with a medium pouch hanging from his/her/their shoulder, wearing the clothes they had given him/her/them -Her Majesty is waiting for you- said that woman giving a bow in form of greeting. He/she/they nodded, then closed the door to give a whistle into the air, Ordon left one of the stables of the place to approach.

Y/n followed the woman who opened the door of the carriage -Eh, I-I thought I was going to go in Ordon- commented the warrior, the princess was in her comfortable royal outfit again to move around the desert freely -Ordon can come, but I wish ... Erh ... to share the journey with you- her pale cheeks turned a little red of shyness, shyness? Zelda had tried to get closer and tried to be friends with Sleeper, a thing that was basically forbidden by her father.

But curiosity, having a possible friendship, knowing the past was stronger than her timidity, y/n smiled with a certain tenderness understanding that dilemma -Are Miss Purah and Mr. Robbie waiting for us there? -He/She/They asked after turning sideways, Zelda immediately nodded -Y-YES!- The matriarch Urbosa must be with them by now, I can't wait for you to meet her! I wrote about you with her! - she commented while the guest sat in front of her.

Suddenly, the princess went silent, she had been carried away by emotion, before apologizing she looked at the surprised face as the enthusiasm that was drawn in the warrior -It would be an honor, although I did not know many gerudo up close, they look very strong and agile- he/she/they commented with kindness, Ordon began to follow the carriage as it started its way towards the Gerudo region.

Zelda forced herself to breathe deeply and noticed her companion who was looking through the small window of the carriage's door. He/She/They had more brightness in his/her/their (E/c) eyes and his/her/their expression more vivid, but there was something around.

Like a dark aura, maybe due to the mourn that one usually has when facing a duel one that Zelda knew perfectly, it was the same way she felt the year that the queen of Hyrule, her mother left the mortal world.

The princess decided to reach into a small suitcase that looked like a briefcase that was next to her to take out a package, and handed it over him/her/them, it was wrapped in royal blue fabric, one of the colors of Hyrule's Royal Family -Erh, I-I suppose that when they arrested you, you noticed that some of your things were missing, your cape and that bird-like mask- she began to say, y/n took the object and after analyzing it, he/she/they looked up at the princess, nodding in response.

She made a gesture saying that he/she/they could open it, the warrior carefully unwrapped the cloth, it was his/her/their mask, restored to perfection as well as the cape that imitated a pair of clean wings patched from the damage the cloth had suffered, Y/n ran a hand delicately over a seam that had silver threads at the junction of a cut, he/she/they could see the dedication and love in the restoration work.

The princess looked away when she realized that the traveling companion covered his/her/their mouth with a hand, appreciating how his/her/their eyes became watery and closed them to suppress his/her/their emotion as much as possible, several minutes passed, maybe a couple of hours of travel until y/n dared to break the silence - These are very important objects for me ... Thank you very much for this gesture, I-I won't forget it- he/she/they whispered.

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