I promise to protect you all

444 9 26

Glossary for this chapter:
N / A: Not Available
P.O.V: Point of View
Y/N: Your Name

___ N / A P.O.V ___

The third time that Revali went to the infirmary, y/n was already asleep, it was almost 10 in the morning and the sheikah did not show signs of waking up until noon, he wanted to give him/her/them a red elixir that carried with his healthy wing. He walked over to the nightstand shared by the stretchers to put it down carefully.

When he turned his eyes to the bodyguard, he noticed that he/she/they was sleeping next to his scarf, like a lover waiting for his return, that ruffled a couple of his feathers, he drowned a small sigh of surprise when he saw him/her/them like this carrying his healthy wing to his beak.

Y/n did not have a particularly angelic image when sleeping, in fact he/she/they made slight faces as if he/she/they were inside a weird dream or a slight nightmare, his/her/their hair was messy, it was still rare to see him/her/them without the paint marks.

He had had several images in his mind, but now he wanted to hug him/her/them, lie down next to him/her/them or in front of him to see him/her/them wake up, although for those moments, he felt that only seeing the sheikah in peace was enough for him.

Revali approached his healthy wing carefully to comb a couple of strands of his/her/their hair, y/n relaxed his/her/their expression as if that touch had been the solution to the nightmare, to which the rito smiled and covered him/her/them with the blanket a little more.

He would continue to caress the sheikah's face if it hadn't been for Terrako standing on the bedside table and hitting the rito's wing with one of his claws -Ouch! What's wrong with you ?! - He said, drowning his voice in a whisper that sounded very angry.

Terrako gave a couple of equally semi-silent beeps as the sheikah frowned and turned around, sheltering with the blanket more as if their voices were annoying mosquitoes, Revali stood up as that machine was trying to push him out.

-Okay! Okay! - He said, while he was in his little dispute he collided with someone - I'm sorr- Mipha? - The rito asked when he saw the zora who had kept her balance and was looking curiously at the little fight  -What are you doing here? - He asked surprised.

The champion believed that the zora champion would take as much time as possible to spend time with the champion of the sword.

The zora lowered her gaze, she didn't seem very comfortable having him around, but it was clear to Revali, he always made disparaging comments about Link and he already knew that she was in love with him, it was quite obvious if you asked the rito.

-I came to curey/n, a-and a-also to see if my magic can do something for your wing- she commented raising her head, daring to look at him.

"So there is a way to get my wing back, that's a relief" thought the archer, but a sudden pain in his chest reminded that sentence again "So there is a way to get my wing back" he thought now with pain, looking at y/n who was still asleep.

He shook his head -Take care of y/n first, when I disinfect a couple of his/her/their wounds he/she/they would not stop moving like an infant- he said making a tired gesture, Mipha smiled a bit amused -My brother Sidon is the same, but I would like to wait for y/n to wake up, let me see your wing- she said, extending her hand towards him.

The zora guided him to the stretcher a couple of meters away from y/n to make him sit on it -Let's see, I'm going to remove the bandages, but you keep the wing rigid- she told him, Mipha acted professionally and quickly, her serious expression told about her priority to cure him was more important than her personal dislike towards the presence of the rito or the shyness that invaded her many times.

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