The Accident

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Glossary for this chapter:
Y / n: Your Name
P.O.V: Point of View
N / A P.O.V: No point of view.

___ Y/ n P.O.V ___

After surrendering to panic for I don't know how long my mind was silent, my inner voice of reason began to speak.

"Okay y/n, keep calm, you can piece up together what happened little by little"

I remembered my birthday, the gifts from my father and Kitta, the next day from there I went to inspect Naboris next to the princess, then over the weeks my brother had started talking with the hero and they ended up being good friends.

"What else"

Little by little the pieces of a puzzle began to come together, but it was difficult, it was like trying to catch fishes in a river if you havent done it before, but I could finally remember... An important day.

Apparently Naboris's symbol in one of the bracelets could only emit a couple of beeps in the form of a morse code that the beast seemed to understand as well as the Sheikah who were investigating nearby, Dad decided to leave it that way, it could serve to communicate and according to him.

The other modules were still a mystery, Kitta and I went far away as possible when the sunsets arrived to test the modules, the bomb module materialized a kind of small and bright sphere that could explode with an expansion area of ​​a large bomb, the Magnesis one could attract weapons or arrows in mid-flight but it wasn't able to carry heavy objects, cryonis created an icy breath that freezed water in a few milliseconds ... We used it lot for juices and beverages when we were on the desert.

I didn't dare to press the icons of the towers, the old man also told me that those areas were still under reconstruction and I didn't know what would happen if I pressed any ot it. For what they were exactly?

The weeks passed by and almost every day I had to see Link, two weeks ago we started the routine of making coffee for both, when it was our hours of rest, he used to make a coffee with cinnamon typical of his province, I always made one with Honey, all those days I was trying to figure out the functions of the modules, but also trying to "fly" using the "paraglider" that Kitta gave me.

The queen's knight saw over and over again how I would fall against the floor after failing, it was pretty funny for him, he would tease and laugh at first but then explained me basic things, sometimes he had to do explain more than once, not because I was an idiot but I wanted to understand and remember his words.

I finally remembered something... It was in an afternoon where all that calm atmosphere changed, everything did.

We were swinging our feet sitting on the edge of a small canyon, with our metal cups with fresh coffee on them -¿Are you not going to try to fly today, Eagle? -Link asked a little sarcastic, I shook my head, I almost broke a leg the day before - If I fracture myself in these important taks, there wouldn't be someone in charge of security at this area, perhaps the wings's design are mere aesthetic -

I heard a neigh behind me, an equine approached and tilted her head to rest her nose on my shoulder, the creature wanted to encourage me to keep trying -Epona, don't do that to me, it's manipulation- I sighed at the gesture of affection and carried a hand to her nose, caressing it with softness.

Epona, a beautiful brown and white mare was standing behind us, she was the knight's best friend. How couldn't be? She was the most affectionate creature in the world, from the first day Link introduced her to me and almost immediately she showed me affection.

Link placed his cup aside - Can you let me try to fly with that cape?- He asked -Fly?, here? In ... In the canyon where I almost broke my leg? Do you know that you are the only queen's personal knight? Right? - I asked with genuine concern, the blond laughed -Of course I know! Come on, nothing will happen to me, I learned a lot by watching you-

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