The Bird

501 9 6

Glossary for this chapter:
N / A: Not Available
P.O.V: Point of View
T / N: Your Name

___ N / A P.O.V ___

A week passed, the young woman turned out to be the daughter of a Hylian captain who had died last year, as soon as she arrived in the village the patriarch immediately called the nearest doctors who bandaged Isha's hands with great caution.

Meanwhile, the sheikah informed the general about the find at the foot of the hiding place, both the rito and Robbie and y/n decided to keep the secret even from the princess, even so, they held a joint funeral where the warrior prayed for the souls of the unfortunate.

They wrapped the bodies in cloth, piled them up in the snow, y/ n drew a triforce on the ground with the corpses in the middle, Robbie set fire to them and stayed there until the flames stopped.

The sheikah told that it was how funerals were done in the twilight era when many lives were lost, it was a funeral of high honors that had the same exclusivity and importance as that of the generals or guards close to the crown.

Revali felt more and more pressure to perfect his techniques, he later found that the unfortunate rito between the corpses were merchants that weren't native to the village, but thinking how close any of the villagers could die made him boil with rage.

He trained even after hours, seeking to perfect his archery technique, his flight, his endurance so that the next day he would do the task that the patriarch gave him.

Revali definitely despised the task of protecting Robbie's expedition, watching y/n every day, and adding to his satiety, he would have to do the same when the princess arrived that morning.

Not to mention the pressure of finding that maniac, each time he went to Vah Medoh more and more, for some reason the divine beast calmed his mind, he felt something special in that machine that calmed him down.

The possibility of being a warrior with no apparent future like that Sheikah, the possibility that one of the people he decided to take care of had died, the possibility of being a failure.

He remembered his confrontation with y/n,  his/her/their  serious look, but above all what  he/she/they  said: "You shall pardon me but I dare to bet... That when you take your weapon at mornings there's the fear for your bow to become a coffin of someone whom you couldn't protect.."

Why did y/n tell him that? He was the most committed rito in the village! There has never been a better general in history than the great Revali!

Also, he wasn't the one who perished in combat and ended up in a ridiculous coffin with water,  he/she/they  did; From that day on, he doubled the effort of the rito under his command in the training they did in his absence.

He stood at Medoh's foot with his head against one of the stone claws, motionless, his eyes closed; For that warrior, the snow or wind from the mountains had already become a gentle breeze.

It stressed him to know that he would soon lose his "Secret Place" with the arrival of the princess.

Revali slightly opened his eyes, the wind seemed to whisper something to him, the wind was part of him and when it changed direction it always indicated the arrival of someone or something new, which he hated.

Apparently the wind noticed that Princess Zelda had arrived.

Y/n was at the entrance of the town next to Robbie, seeing Zelda leading a couple of soldiers on foot, she was wearing an immaculate white suit for the cold with golden threads, she looked so beautiful in that outfit surrounded by the pale snow that even the rito guards stopped their patrols to pay attention to the approaching young woman.

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