The beginning of the End

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Glossary for this chapter:
N / A: Not Available
P.O.V: Point of View
E/C: Eye Color
Y / N: Your Name

___ N / A P.O.V ___

The disease was serious, Revali did not remember how many times he woke up and then fainted again due to the weakness, sometimes next to him would be found a plate with soup, fish, vegetables or fruits or simply a cup of freshly brewed tea.

"Nill has not left apparently ... I will have to apologize later" the General thought every time he finished eating a little or taking what they left him before going back to sleep.

Even the makeshift bed on the floor of the cabin was getting more comfortable, warmer, the pillows served as support for his body, he was laying on a plush yarn rug, and several blankets covered him.

At all hours, afternoon, morning or night, food or drink, tea or fruit preparations that provided the necessary nutrients to recover could be found.

But with the passing of the days, Nill couldn't be seen, when he woke up there was no other presence but himself.

After ... Several days he was able to recover enough to stay awake, he was between the limbo of waking up or continuing to sleep. That last day when he heard footsteps on the stairs that led to the cabin Revali opened his eyes alertly, he would finally see the person who took care of him!

He closed his eyes again immediately, making an effort to pace his breathing and deceive the stranger who had attended him so well.

As soon as he heard the footsteps the archer realized that the person wasn't a rito, they generally dragged their claws a little making a distinctive walking sound.

That only narrowed the options considerably: Purah, Robbie ... Was it the princess ?! He couldn't let the princess take care of him like that! Tempted by the idea, Revali frowned a little.

He felt a soft touch on his forehead, not a caress but as if the person were taking his temperature. After feeling the heat of his body they seemed to move their hand away, then, he heard how they began to look for a couple of things.

There were sounds that made him guess the stranger was cooking, he smelled fish broth with seaweed (He couldn't wake up and snatch the plate from them no matter how hungry he was!). Then they changed the pot to put a kind of herb to boil in a metallic kettle. Despite having cooked or prepared drinks, their movements were very silent.

He was about to fall asleep again when he felt the stranger gently touching his beak.

Those fingers were cold, he could no longer pretend, in a single action he took the unknown figure with force, and in a quick movement he subdued them on the floor while that presence gave a cry of surprise drowned in a groan of pain (A sound that It seemed cute to him and he would never admit).

-Don't you dare touch me or I'll tear your hand away- he said as opening his eyes in order to add intimidation to his threat, his emeralds crossed his eyes with the e/c from y/n -You!? - He exclaimed in surprise.

The sheikah freed himself/herself/themselves from the grip as if he/she/they was/were used to that abruptness and quickly pounced on Revali making him stay on the makeshift bed as if telling him that if he did that again, he/she/they would respond in the same way -Me- He/She/They answered dryly.

Y/n turned away, Revali noticed that the newcomer had his/her/their body covered in bandages or scars from recent battles, his/her/their eyes gave away a pair of dark circles and he/she/they did not seem to have slept well on the days that the General was out of combat.

[COMPLETED] Asleep +Revali X Reader+ Where stories live. Discover now