Facing the Problem

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Glossary for this chapter:
N / A: Not Available
P.O.V: Point of View
Y/ N: Your Name
L/N: Last Name

___ N / A P.O.V ___

Sooga was in the first Yiga settlement in Tabantha, he had taken the time to unfreeze the doors, to analyze the whole place and surroundings.

He found more notes that pointed to the obvious experimentation of dark magic in members of the Yiga clan, trapped by a huge feeling of helplessness, the man mourned the loss and blamed his ineptitude which led to the cruel end that those members lived.

Yes, some members perished under the hands of the ones called "Champions", but those deaths were even more respectful than having treated them like rats.

He was more than determined to get rid of Astor first, then y/n and finally the champions, Sooga wanted his revenge, he glared at the lightless sanctuary in the cave, surrounded by so many artifacts.

-This place should never have existed in the first place- he muttered as clasping his hands, the earth began to shake and symbols of the reverse sheikah eye appeared on the various walls of the place, the snow buried everything that ever existed of that refuge.

Now the man was in the snow, seeing what he had done -I must inform Master Kohga of this- he turned around -Sebit! Merv! - the master yelled, the two Yiga who once helped y/n presented themselves in front of him, bowing before their leader -What's the next move Mr. Sooga? - Merv asked.

Sooga began to walk -I want you to watch your old partner well, we will use the fierce deity against the king, we will find a way- he whispered -I heard that the formal ceremony to name   him/her/them   as a bodyguard will begin in a week- Sebit, the youngest in the Yiga ranks, dared to say.

-Then you will enter the castle from now on, you will inform me of every move you make, everything, if they discover you, then do whatever is necessary to maintain your anonymity other than kill   him/her/them  - ordered their superior, the two colleagues disappeared using the a Demise's amber, Sooga left, keeping the new notes and clues in his pouch to find the hidden room.

Meanwhile, both Isha and Nill were experiencing problems since their relationship had come to light, the rito were a species of little population, they had all expected that at least one of the generals would marry another rito, someone of their kind, to "perpetuate the best"

Only a few openly supported their relationship, even though Nill had insisted on leaving, the Hylian knew how important the town was to him, yet being strong for both left Isha exhausted.

She was embroidering details on her wedding dress sitting on a wooden bench near the principal landing, a strong draft made her hold the garment before it flew off.

After that, someone threw a pouch in front of her with several empty jars -You know, tonic potions, stealthy ones, the usual- Isha let out a sigh and looked at the newcomer -Hello you too Revali- she greeted.

The rito crossed his wings -Yeah, well, when do you think you will have them ready? - He asked, the woman then leaned over to take and check the pouch -2, 8 ... 10, hmm ... I would have them by sunset If I focus on that- she began to say -By the way in the wedding-

Revali, on the other hand, looked at the feathers that hung from Isha's braid made with love, ignored what she said later, lost in the memory of the dream he had.

It had felt so real and it had awakened several feelings in him that he didn't know -as apparently I exhausted you with what I said, it would be better to go home- said the woman as she took that pouch along with the dress to start walking towards Nill's house .

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