Distance Kiss

451 9 10

Glossary for this chapter:
Y / N: Your Name
N / A: Not Available
P.O.V: Point of View.

___ N / A P.O.V ___

It was the day when they would go to report to the king and princess Zelda, y/n was the only person who could decipher the ancient language in which that diary was built.

Two notebooks had been filled, the Yiga had not dared to make another attempt to get closer since some Sheikah warriors positioned themselves in different parts of the mount and the ranch in uniforms for the battle.

The recordings inside Terrako belonged to the scientist Garren, his/her/their father; Despite the emotional impact that this had on the sheikah, he/she/they decided to continue with his/her/their work of transcribing the recordings.

Many doubts regarding the sheikah towers, artifacts, among others were answered with the records: Apparently the sheikah towers were underground, they were hidden to avoid their dismantling by the Yiga clan founded since then, it served to "expand" the geographical recognition within the Sheikah Slate, the sources of power for the artifacts were derived from "Blue Flame", the construction of the guardians began 10 years after they met Link and Queen Zelda in the age of twilight.

Y/n paused his/her/their transcription task when he/she/they reached recording number 58, he/she/they moved his/her/their hands away from the third notebook to make circular movements on both wrists, suddenly an argument coming from Revali's room inside the ranch could be heard.

It was something usual, after all it was the second week inside the place.

-Revali! I already told you that you're not going to fly to the castle! At least not for the next three weeks, no matter how much Fairy Tonic you take, your body needs to heal naturally too, you can't force it- it was Isha, her tolerance had been exhausted after several days treating the proudest patient she had ever met.

-It's an excuse not to show how useless you are! So many medical studies for nothing! Get out of here!-

The door opened and closed abruptly, y/n looked out to see who had lost patience that occasion and saw the redhead: Isha's eyes were pink from lack of sleep and the desire to cry from anger -If it weren't friend of yours or Nill's, I would have already broken his other wing, did you know? - She said as walked by the sheikah and went to the counter of the ranch to order something to drink.

Y/n exhaled heavily through his/her/their nose and steeled himself/herself/themselves to enter the room -You know very well that Isha is the only one who can treat your fracture to heal that quickly- he/she/they said firmly as entering.

The room was slightly untidy, the bed of white sheets with cream-colored blankets unraveled, a desk with the Great Eagle Bow above along with the champion's scarf, the lamps off, the light was coming in through a window that gave a direct view towards where the landscape of Tabantha region was.

Revali was looking at the mountains through the windows while with his healthy wing he played with the bandages of his splinted wing -I'm already an adult, you don't have to lecture me like that, better invest your time in transcribing those recordings, later we will go to the castle- replied the rito, his braids were still undone, his blue hair fell from his shoulders and back in disheveled strands scattered.

-I think it tires you as much as me being surrounded by so many people, especially if they are strangers, why didn't you accept that Robbie took you to the training area for your recovery? - Asked y/n, the rito looked at him/her/them in askance, his emerald eyes seemed to shine thanks to the rays of the sun that peeked through those crystals -Do you know how low it would be for me if my people or even Kaneli saw me like this? - he pointed out himself using his healthy wing.

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