The Prince's First Love

454 11 2

Glossary for this chapter:
Y/ N: Your Name
P.O.V: Point of View
N / A: Not Available
H/C: Hair Color.

___ N / A P.O.V__

After two days, the journey to recruit Princess Mipha began, this would be the last and only time that the princess would travel without soldiers. Y/n, knowing that Ordon,  his/her/their   horse was in Tabantha, immediately went to that region for him after the discussion with Zelda.

Revali saw that gesture as something stupid and unnecessary, after all, that horse would have been well cared for by Isha, Chief Daruk who arrived during those days almost crushed the poor Sheikah's back while Urbosa kept her distance.

The trip to Lanayru was uneventful, although she was angry, Zelda wanted her friend's company inside the carriage, but being by her escort,  he/she/they had to do surveillance of the perimeter.

He/She/They  made Ordon run or inspect the areas nearby and got rid of the monsters that wanted to make a joint assault and then returned to the road, the princess meanwhile thought of that knight: Link.

Unconsciously Link represented everything she aspired to be: Efficient for her sole purpose, hers was to awaken his power, but no matter how many years she meditated on the deities' springs, it just didn't emerge.

All the princesses destined to protect Hyrule showed signs of her power even from early childhood, but she seemed to be an exception, even though there were different inhabitants of the kingdom wielding magic better than she seemed to discourage her.

She looked at her hands helplessly, sighed and leaned back in her seat as feeling the transport move.

When Zelda arrived, she got out of the carriage and walked towards the domain, several zora guards bowed before her and the elder zoras, king's council members guided her towards the throne room, when she arrived the princess joined her hands to begin to speak.

-King Dorephan, my father King Rhoam wants to know about your answer, we need your daughter Princess Mipha to pilot the divine beast Vah Rutah since she is the most skilled warrior of your people- she began to say.

Y/n meanwhile he moved with some restlessness before returning to have  his/her/their  back straight and hands behind the back, they had given him a formal white long-sleeved shirt along with elongated black pants, the shirt was tucked in, they had allowed  him/her/them to wearing  his/her/their  bracelets in addition to black gloves,  he/she/they  looked somewhat uncomfortable due to being used to wearing casual clothes a little more comfortable than that.

By  his/her/their  own request they had not given him a sheikah uniform, despite belonging to that clan, y/n was basically someone outside the new customs.

Dorephan looked at the princess and the escort -I heard that you have found the knight who wields the sword that seals the darkness- he commented -And you have also recruited two leaders of the four tribes- he added, Zelda nodded -We have everything prepared to face the calamity-

The king of the Zora was silent, his daughter had shown a lot of interest in the divine beast of the water, and even more than once he had found her sneaking into it, Mipha possessed so much love for her people that she had already argued with him countless times to agree to be Vah Rutah's pilot.

He closed her eyes and let out a sigh -You should ask her directly, she is in the waterfalls with Prince Sidon- said this, he pointed to the place, the princess smiled a little -I thank you very much King Dorephan- she immediately turned around and began to walk.

Zelda stopped when realizing that y/n followed her out of the throne room -I will go alone, it must be something from princess to princess - she asked, the sheikah nodded and stayed still, letting her go.

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