The Decision

415 9 1

Glossary for this chapter:
T / N: Your Name
P.O.V: Point of View
N / A: Not available
C / o: Eye Color
C / C: Hair Color

___ T / N P.O.V ___

After that incident, the princess decided that I should stay at the ranch near the region, apparently, that reaction was called "Crisis" and after that day those attacks didn't unfold in such a strong way, it took me only an afternoon to recover were I was able to go to Naboris, found in the Gerudo Canyon.

It was the next day when I went out, Zelda was wearing her expedition outfit (at least that's what I decided to call it) and was waiting for me at the foot of the divine beast -Y/n, How are you feeling? - she asked attentively -I'm better, Your Majesty, I'm sorry for the inconvenience yesterday- the hylian shook her head -There's nothing wrong, the good thing is that you've recovered faster than expected-

Zelda looked excited, but still she had made time to wait for my arrival, I was able to see that she was full of energy as vitality similar to a little girl and there was a familiar feeling that made me think that the princess saw me as an older sibling despite the brief time we had interacted -What a great day to explore a divine beast!- I heard, I raised my head, Purah and Robbie were descending on a kind of wooden platform that was pulled by several ropes managed by a pair of giant stone and metal gears.

Apparently it was the only access to Naboris, the princess turned to see me -Come on! It's our turn to go in! - she exclaimed, carried away by emotion, her craving for knowledge was so big that apparently "Princess Zelda" was not at home that day, only "Zelda". When the platform touched the floor I helped Zelda got up first, then I did, Purah handed me a couple of honey sweets wrapped in thin cloth -I bet you haven't had breakfast- the scientist commented a bit amused, I took them and while nodding in response, I put one in my mouth.

Vah Naboris was a giant divine beast built of metal and cream colored stone, being near the majestic camel did not cause any heat, in fact the material seemed to emit freshness, the platform began to rise, I could see closely the Sheikah Slate that Purah was holding in another hand -It's a technology not so strange for us, thanks to your bracelets we were able to decipher the operation of the Slate more easily, It's very useful for our investigations- she began to explain as Zelda poked her head out of one of Purah's shoulders to be able to see.

A complete map of the kingdom could be seen and it could be zoomed in and out; There was also a function called cryonis, bombs, magnesis, among others similar to the ones that my bracelets had (which they still did not return to me). Robbie explained to us in detail what each one could do, its probable uses as possible applications that weren't "available" yet.

When we reached Naboris's nearest access, the man jumped to enter the platform of the divine beast, helped Zelda and Purah to go in, I had no problem entering on my own, the "main room" was a corridor with a cylindrical structure and different platforms that were connected to each other, above one there was a kind of object that resembled the shape of a closed flower, where there was a pedestal with the Sheikah symbol.

-We decided to call that thing over there "Main control unit", then there are five other similar pedestals but with smaller stones called "Terminals", we have called these stones "Sheikah stones" ... Because if we had given it a more complicated name it would have been absurdly difficult to memorize, they are similar to the ones Robbie and I have in our laboratories, they store information or transmit it - explained Purah.

-Vah Naboris is so beautiful... and the inside is fresh- Zelda commented as she walked, seeing all the surroundings as if wanting to memorize the room -But how will we turn Vah Naboris on? - I asked -That's where you take action! Y/n! - Robbie exclaimed, giving a couple of blows to my back with a little rudeness - There is an inscription on the back of the Main control unit that is in old Hylian language and we need help with the translation! - he added with great enthusiasm.

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