The Wings

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Chapter's Glosary
Y/n: Your Name.
P.O.V: Point of View
Next chapter Revali will make his appearance! Please be patient dear reader!

___P.O.V y/n___
My birthday's beginning was the strangest I ever lived, one would expect some kind of jester or artist to show up for his birthday ... If it were a luxurious and organized one, or at least a cake or some sort of favorite dish, but instead of that, queen Zelda with the knight who once held the master sword were showing up was a kind of an amazing coincidence.

Only with their presence I felt amazingly satisfied, surprised and horrified, the Queen was looking to speak with my father "Master Garren" she called him after the sudden appearance in our tent; Kitta and I went to work while Dad started to talk with the two triforce bearers.

Even when I came back from scanning the perimeter pretty late at night, I heard the monarch and my father still chatting animatedly inside the tent while the legendary knight was outside, practicing fighting techniques with a soldier's sword, I didn't need the oil lantern I was holding to know that It was him.

"I think I'll go to sleep on the outside" I thought when I saw the swordsman fixing his eyes on me as well as hearing a couple of subtle laughs from the tent, my father was chatting so vividly with the queen as if they were some kind of friends gathering after a long time, Link lowered his sword, straightened up and did a nod as a greeting.

-Greetings...Urh... Link, right? - I looked around trying to make conversation while the blond raised an eyebrow in curiosity, nodding slowly in response to my question - Have you been here all day? - I asked, he nodded, his face was tanned from the heat. That made me take out a canteen that had a juice made of raspberry, watermelon and honey inside -Surely you've gone for water from time to time, but this mixture has helped me withstand the sunstroke, it provides nutrients- I offered him, Link stared at it for a few seconds before approaching his hand and take it carefully.

A wide smile of satisfaction came out from my lips when I saw his expression of relief when taking the juice that was even cold, he tried to return it and immediately shook my head - It is a canteen that I have as an extra in case any of the members of my squad get sunstroke, enjoy it, take it as a welcome to the Naboris's area- I said a little more cheerfully, Link nodded and then took another sip before hanging the object on his belt.

-¿What does it have? It's delicious, erh, sorry, we didn't ... We haven't been formally introduced... As you already know my name is a pleasure to meet you...? - He asked after several minutes where we finished analyzing each other and concluded that we would like each one's company if we had to meet more than one time at the big campsite.

- "Link" is a name that is used a lot in rural provinces, it's a nice name - I commented stretching my hand while Link shook it -The name's y/n, the juice is a mixture of raspberry, watermelon and honey- The man's beautiful and huge gray-blue eyes widened -I've know you! You are Eagle! I heard what you did in the Sheikah camp near the Zora province- I felt my cheeks boil, I didn't like it when they pointed out my achievements.

But that one... It was sad even when people praised it.

-I killed a man... It's nothing to celebrate or be proud of- it came out of my mouth as we let go of our hands, he made a gesture with his shoulders and looked at the other side as if he understood the feel pretty well -Sometimes ... Doing something like that is necessary for the greater good- Link tried to encourage -There was lot of chaos and pain when the Twilight realm's monsters came to our world-

I narrowed my eyes -Huh... You're one of those who think that the Twili or half-Twili couldn't live with us in peace? - I dared to ask, he shook his head repeatedly -Oh! Goddess, No! I mean, I'm not one of those who believe that they are monsters! When the last battle against Ganondorf Dragmire happened I had help from a Twili who is ... A very dear friend- he said under a somewhat melancholic gaze - You're still in mourning because that person is no longer here even if is still alive, right? - I asked.

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