The Ruins

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Glossary for this chapter:
N / A: Not available
P.O.V: Point of View
Y/ N: Your Name

___ N / A P.O.V ___

So many books in the history of Hyrule and there was only one that compiled brief summaries of the most prominent Sheikah warriors throughout their eras, sometimes excerpts from diaries by unknown warriors, one would say it was an injustice, but for those who were born with nothing ... It was an honor.

Revali had read that compilation, looking for something to at least get an idea of ​​who Sleeper had been.

There were only short fragments, about how she/he/they used to live, about his/her/their technique with the kodachi that seeemed like an eagle hunting its prey, there was nothing important, it was like a short story to put children to sleep.

"This is someone who only had some five minutes of fame, not even Sleeper's strategies seem very well planned, yet they named him/her/them a Captain when he/she/they was still a kid, what a desperate act" Revali thought after reading those fragments of different diaries in the book that he had obtained from a merchant from central Hyrule while touring the kingdom.

When the royal advisor sent a letter advising that Sleeper was probably alive according to reports from the zora princess, the rito went into a full rage, feeling that destiny had mocked into his face; Driven by anger he undertook a search by himself, he wanted to kill the Yiga who humiliated him, he wanted to check if Sleeper was still alive and then claim the hurt of that enormous stab at his pride.

He associated Y/n with humiliation, if he took care of that "bug", that problem, maybe there would be peace at last, he "lowered himself", writing to the young advisor, pretending to serve the royal family on the searching task along with other volunteers. Th letter was well received, even King Rhoam would be attentive of his abilities, that gave a pleasant surprise to the young general who didn't avoid puffing up his chest full of pride when reading that. Why he would need friends if he could be at the top? Perhaps he could be the first rito to be named a royal guard.

The advantage of having wings is that he could move almost as fast as gossip and rumors; First he went to Lanayru looking for clues, but he didn't dare to enter the domain, so much humidity was not good for his feathers.

A zora guard at the entrance told him about that someone from the Yiga clan defended the young prince Sidon but escaped along with two other members; From a goron merchant he heard that "the Powerful Daruk" had been with someone who possessed the same physical descriptions as Sleeper and had bought many minerals from him to forge weapons, but that person disappeared from Goron City a few weeks ago, almost a month, he/she/they just vanished, there was no other track of that Sheikah.

After that, the roads were getting plagued with aggressive, strong monsters. Revali began to worry about his hometown. His people were going to be okay? Surrendered, the rito stopped at a ranch near the Faron region after having checked Lurelin Village; he hated humidity, his feathers were fluffy from the excess of water in the air, that establishment was made of wood and the leather of the local fauna. Why the place's wood wasn't rotted? How could they tolerate that climate?

Just when he entered the place, it started to rain -This day is already horrible by itself- whispered the rito with some impatience, he didn't like being in an uncomfortable place, there was nothing with which he could distract himself, he was alone with his thoughts until...

-Monsters! Near the bridge!- Exclaimed a traveler who came to the place horrified "Thank you!" The general thought to himself as unhooking his bow from the safe-lock on the back of his armor, he stepped outside and looked at the civilians on the establishment -Stay back, I'll take care of those things- he ordered the hylians who stood still. Electricity could be felt in the air.

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