Leap of Faith: Good Ending 3/4

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(In the end I divided it into 4 parts because the last part was so, so long that it was going to be very, very difficult to follow the threads, I'm very sorry for the delay with the update, I'm fixing some things to get my Bachelor's degree and I'm in the process of candidates to see if the U can give me a scholarship to do a master's degree!
I'm literally two days away from doing the second of five installments to prove I deserve my bachelor's and here I am about to commit a crime due to stress.

Glossary for this chapter:
N/A: Not Available
Y/N: Your Name
P.O.V: Point of View.

___N/A P.O.V___

___In the Twilight Era___

"I'm going to die, right?"

It was the only thing y/n could think of.

That time in the desert, during the twilight era y/n thought all was lost, that time where he/she/they learned to use his/her/their cloak to glide and Link tried to warn him/her/them of a surprise attack, blood was flowing, an enemy wearing a pronounced armor had taken a diagonal slash across the sheikah's back.

His/Her/Their certain death was an iron knuckle's fault, specters of knights who were tall and powerful, never showed their faces that were covered by thick metal helmets, in their hands they always held large sharp-edged weapons, coming across one of them was death foretold.

It wasn't fair, that morning, y/n had learned to fly and at the same time his/her/their wings were being clipped, Link began scanning the area to try and get closer while the captain staggered on a rocky formation that prevented him/her/them from falling completely to the cliff.

Sheikah's soul left his/her/their body during those seconds "If only I had been stronger" y/n thought, he/she/they thought of power, he/she/they wanted power, to protect his/her/their family, to protect his/her/their friends.

And there was an otherworldly presence that heard his/her/their request.

Y/n soon found himself/herself/themself in a field with abundant grass whose green leaves swayed in a breeze that gently blew into the environment, the warrior looked around, it was no longer the desert, the sky above his/her/their head was clear blue and the clouds moved at the height of the earth creating a vision of white oceans.

He/She/They heard a couple of children's laughter that sounded not far from where he/she/they was, the sheikah turned around, and could see a huge tree that grew on a small hill and had an exaggeratedly wide crown, around the beautiful scenario several children dressed in white ran around it.

Four ran from one side to the other, they were together but at the same time in their own affairs, in the background, leaning against a tree, a boy was sitting with his embracing his legs.

It would be the typical scene of a playground, children playing together waiting for their parents but there was no one else around, not even the slightest hint of a road, horses or a nearby ranch, what created an abnormal atmosphere in the environment was that the children wore gruesome-looking masks covering their faces.

The kids did not stop as soon as they noticed the sheikah's presence. Y/n walked slowly towards the tree, surely above it he/she/they could find a path, a clue.

It was as if a nightmare had been interrupted with a random dream where everything was calm, meanwhile she could hear Link, she heard him screaming her name desperately.

But in front of his/her/their eyes everything was calm -Link?! Link! - the sheikah began to shout, he/she/they now walked towards the limits of that small place, hoping to have a signal from where he/she/they heard his/her/their friend's voice more strongly, but as he/she/they advanced further his/her/their legs stopped, everything stopped working.

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