Prologue- Twin Engravings

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Author's Notes:
A.C.W = After Civil War. (After the civil war / Time Era)


Annotations property of the scientist ***** ***** For the purpose of protecting and safeguarding the history of Hyrule.

Discovered objects: Twin Engravings.


The old engravings are two different stone walls that belonged to very old ruins where a kind of decisive battle is portrayed.

Taking Professor's ****** ***** annotations, it is about an ancient battle that was fought millennia before the first Hylian Civil War of which there is record; An approximate age is 7,000 years.

Scientist's note found on a sheet that appears to come from a personal journal:

"It is disconcerting, some species that are in the engravings are very recent. ¿Is it a description of the past or the future?"

According to the joint notes, the engraving was discovered during the monarchy of "Zant, the usurper", documenting their finds from the beginning on ** March ****. The author of this engraving and its sister piece is unknown.

Around ********* during the ***** era, *** A.C.W *, Sheikah scientists have found an engraving similar to the in the royal chambers in Latoan province; Unlike its sister piece, this object features additional figures in the lower middle.

The first engraving features seven figures similar to the species that reside in Hyrule or neighboring kingdoms: The new find features nine, a hooded figure with humanoid features that appears to hold a species of orb facing another that has features similar to the Ancient Hero* (See annex in notebook 2) and Priestess* (See annex in notebook 1). This last figure shows deterioration in the part of the face except for some marks similar to that of Fierce Deity* (See annex in notebook 2).

The main pieces are still Ancient Hero *, Priestess* and Calamity* (See annex in notebook 7).

It is currently unknown if it speaks of a past or future battle, therefore the engravings must undergo the most advanced preservation process that we have in this era until future generations can find them.

Because their transport presents a significant risk to the integrity of the pieces, they'll be kept separated, forcing the staff not to tear down the murals.

End of annotation

Author's Notes:
(Well! Taking advantage of the excitement for the old era and the relationships with the BoTW sequel I wanted to correct and / or add new details! The doubts will be resolved as the fanfic progresses, remember that this is a new timeline where you, the reader are going to define the future of Hyrule, the diary says that the engraving is 7,000 years old because the notebook is from "The Twilight Era" before the events of Breath of the Wild.

Revali appears at chapter 3! Only if you wanted to know)

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