Eternal Goodbyes

423 9 14

Glossary for this chapter:
T / N: Your Name
L/N: Last Name
P.O.V: Point of View
N / A: Not Available

___ Y/ N P.O.V ___

Everything was ready for Impa, Rael and I to go back to the castle now that my training was over. Meanwhile, Prunia and Rotver would stay there to discuss possible applications of the artifacts in the daily life of the Sheikah.

When going out Chief's Nera house, Robbie and I exchanged glances, a sad smile was drawn on his lips as he went to meet me -It's your last day here, but I guess you made a lot of friends, right? Or at least one, friends are important- he asked.

I looked around, the town was full of life, warm food prepared by loving parents to their children could be smelled, there were small orchards with sakura trees waiting to bloom, it was like a home that I never had.

Not even the Kakariko (Technically a Hidden Village) of my time was as nice as there, or at least that's what I thought -I made a few friends, I would like to come from time to time- I whispered, looking back at him, our hearts still clenched in pain when we saw each other.

But we had to face the reality that there really was a mutual affection between the two of us in a friendship that we wanted to continue -I found out that they took away your Yiga's Kodachi, you only ... have two left, right? - He asked, trying to make conversation.

I shook my head -Only one, the one you gave me, it has served me a lot, you're an incredible artisan of weapons, if I ever need any more of these 'ancient weapons' I will know who to turn to- The scientist's cheeks colored a bit, then he cleared his throat and looked at the horizon as if he were posing -But of course, I'm the best of all when it comes to ancient weapons, that was just a prototype-

Robbie began to get carried away -I could even make a full armor, if they let me analyze the guardians more and dismantle only a few, I could even make arrows that could destroy things so easily! - he exclaimed while looking at me -You are a genius! - He exclaimed.

"...Thank you?... Don't know why..." I thought, but the young man, now driven by his first love: Work, began to speak out loud saying what parts of guardians he might need to create some kind of machine that assembles ancient weapons that would help me, Impa or the champions in our battle against Ganon.

I smiled a little, partly knowing that Robbie was acting to shorten our conversation.

-I need to discuss this with the blacksmith! I already have a project for the next few months! - he told me and then started running towards one of the houses while waving his hand in a gesture of farewell - I'll write to you about the progress Cherry! I promise!-

Ordon approached with an apple in his mouth, he left it at my feet, the fruit was half bitten -Oh, is it my breakfast? - I asked a little amused, the horse nodded as if to say yes.

A laugh came from my lips as I leaned over to take the fruit that was full of the animal's saliva, an eyebrow arched involuntarily -You're quite a gentleman my friend, but, I'm on a diet, you know- I palpated my stomach -Generally warriors like me do not consume horse saliva - With that said, I gave him the rest of the apple, Ordon ate it as if he had thought "Well, at least I tried."

Soon I heard another laugh but it was from Purah, near the entrance to the cemetery, Nera was holding the reins of a beautiful white steed very similar to Verloren, Zelda's horse, but it wasn't him, this horse had a more robust physiognomy. Impa was holding the reins of her horse, a spotted steed that was already pretty old -Impa, I insist that you take Tatl, that horse of yours will not be able to take another long travel-

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