The Castle

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Glossary for this chapter:
L/n: Last Name
N / A: Not Available
T / N: Your Name
P.O.V: Point of View

___ N / A P.O.V ___

The road to the castle was short, the march of the soldiers, the horses of the princess and her advisor as well as that of y/n seemed to be going at a hurried pace, more than anything because the leader of the group was eager to reveal the news to the king about the newcomer.

Zelda thought that perhaps, with it ... Her father, King Rhoam would allow her to supervise the investigations of the divine beasts. Although she was also worried about Sleeper or Eagle, who had half of his/her/their body leaning on his/her/their horse, to escape from the Spring of Courage's assault Y/n had used a mysterious object that still refused to name.

Her father would probably not allow him/her/them to sleep in a bed, not before interrogating him/her/them about his/her/their stay with the Yiga clan. Despite the contradictions that Impa gave her about her safety, she decided that y/n should enter through a back door of the castle accompanied to give him/her/them a room and formally present him/her/them before the king on the following day.

Zelda changed her ceremonial outfit for a royal outfit fitted for her busy way of life, a beautiful sky blue and white fabric shirt that had golden embroidery, a large brown belt, her black pants and brown boots, the new outfit seemed to give her more mobility than that dress from a while ago.

Revali was flying high enough to have the group under his protection, he only separated to get rid of a couple of monsters that were waiting in the bushes with the intention of attacking the princess, Impa was pondering, about the next day, they would definitely interrogate y/n, and since it was someone who formerly belonged to the Yiga clan, King Rhoam would not be so pious, she was tearing her head apart about what to say, to do.

How could you convince that someone from a homicidal group wasn't so homicidal? Perhaps...

-Princess- Impa called, Zelda turned to see her stopping her horse's pace -What is it, Impa? - asked the young one -I must go to the laboratory in Akkala, I will go for a little help, if we don't want him/her/them to spend the rest of his/her/their life in the castle's dungeons, we need Purah and Robbie to help us convince the king- proposed the Sheikah, both directed their eyes to the ... "Guest". Y/n had his/her/their hands tied, looking tired as his horse "Ordon", neither of them wanted to imagine such a hapless soul being locked up.

-B-But who is going to help us get y/n to the castle without my father to know? - Zelda asked, alarmed now, with her eyes wide open with fear as well as adrenaline, before separating Impa turned to the sky, Revali flew near and far checking the area.

-General Revali can help us, he can take Y/n to one of the training yards- replied the advisor -Trust me, princess, I wouldn't separate from you if I didn't know what I'm doing, I will be back in the morning- she promised, something in those words calmed Zelda enough for her to approve the plan, Impa broke away from the group, galloping at full speed toward Akkala's laboratory.

When the rest reached the castle at sunset, they went through an alternate route so as not to get directly to the citadel. Revali thanked that and descended, landing gracefully in front of the princess -I saw that your advisor left so I decided to come here with you, so you could have adequate protection- the rito began, puffing up his chest in an elegant tone, the princess nodded ignoring that gesture -In fact, I still need your help, Revali, could you ... erh ... - She turned to the sides a bit uncomfortable and waited for the soldiers to disperse, they did it, understanding the hint.

-Could you take y/n to the training ground on the north side so that I can enter him/her/them into the castle without my father finding out? I need them to take him/her/them to the bailey, from there I will take care of the matter- she asked in a low voice, taking her hand to the side of her mouth, making half a bowl with it as if it were something top secret.

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