Leap of Faith: Good Ending 2/4

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Glossary for this chapter:
N/A: Not Available
P.O.V: Point of View
Y/N: Your Name

___N/A P.O.V___

Y/n cried in the arms of the rito and Revali was confused about what was happening, the day before he had confessed his feelings, now the sheikah was crying uncontrollably without stopping repeating his name as if he/she/they hadn't seen him in a long time.

As soon as he/she/they finished crying, the champion looked worried -Tell me, what happened? - he asked as entering the cabin closing the door behind him, seeing how his lover wiped his/her/their tears with the back of his/her/their hand, having reddened nose and eyes, the rito ignored that the sheikah's shirt was still unbuttoned (But it was difficult, out of the corner of his eye he could make out a pronounced scar in the middle of it), he walked to the bed and took the blanket to cover him/her/them with it.

-It's cold, the weather will only worsen your mood- he commented, y/n nodded without saying anything even a thanks, Revali helped him/her/them sit on the bed and turned towards the fireplace that was unlit, before being able to get closer to light the fire he felt how the bodyguard took his wing to bring him closer.

Y/n pursed his/her/their lips and looked into his eyes -What day is it?- he/she/they asked with a hoarse voice.


-Did you eat or drink something that made you sick yesterday? - asked the rito, he gently released the grip and went to clean the ashes in the fireplace to light a new fire, it seemed that they were going to be there for a long time, even when it was the day that y/n would go to the castle.

-Revali- the sheikah called with more seriousness -I'm not playing, what day is it?- asked, Revali then looked at him/her/them for a few moments -I know you're not playing- he just said.

-You really... Don't remember what happened yesterday?- Revali asked now with a broken tone, almost with his heart broken, y/n reacted to it -So yesterday... I'm in the day after when we kissed - He/She/They said as if he/she/they was remembering.

They sheikah looked away -Then it is the day of the first attack... I have at least a week left, at least some days to prepare- he/she/they commented putting a hand to his/her/their chin, looking at a lost point of the cabin.

Who needed to remember something so important? Was y/n really okay? The sheikah was acting so strange for the rito that he couldn't help but be carried away by curiosity and caution.

-Who are you?- he asked, there was silence.

Y/n looked him in the face in disbelief, as if he had discovered him/her/them, that made the rito champion take a wing to his Great Eagle Bow that hung behind his back -Who are you-? he asked once more, now with a drier tone.

The bodyguard lowered his/her/their head, covering himself/herself/themself even more with the blanket -I-It's me, but at the same time, it's not me, I...- he/she/they looked so confused, disoriented, and scared that for a few moments the feathered one hesitated about his defensive posture -You won't believe me- he/she/they said at the end, clutching his/her/their nails to the blanket as if that gave him/her/them relief.

-Try it- let out Revali who walked cautiously through the cabin, his claws dragged slowly over the wood of the enclosure filling the silence, he still didn't dare to take an arrow to increase the threat, no, at least not for now.

-Yesterday was Isha and Nill's wedding, I was in this place until late, today you're supposed to go to the castle to give your report- he said later, answering the question y/n had asked him a few minutes ago (Although he doubted that the person in front of him/her/them was right now in front of him, that it was y/n but like he/she/they said, it wasn't him/her/them at the same time).

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