Of Lamentations and Confrontations

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Glossary for this chapter:
N/A: Not Available
P.O.V: Point of View
Y/N: Your Name

___ N / A P.O.V__

"He must hate me, he must definitely hate me" Zelda thought as she closed her journal before going to the Gerudo region, the only expression she had seen in the stoic knight was confusion, confusion for after she yelled at him when they were outside the shrine that time.

Surely he hated her for being a member of the royal family unable to awaken her power, or perhaps because she always felt even angry at having him around.

So many emotions, but no solution.

The good thing was that Urbosa had taken her to the desert in the excuse of adjusting Vah Naboris, that deeply relieved the princess's heart, she spent the day finding out hidden or current functions in the divine beast, when finishing, they were still inside it, and the matriarch spoke to her of trivial things.

They gathered various comfortable things, several pillows and a mat. Naboris was sitting around the statues of the seven, a kind of favorite place for Urbosa, she was telling her silly or tender anecdotes about the deceased queen, things that Zelda's father would never have let her listen.

-Your mother loved sweet and cold things, so once she tried to use an ice wizzrobe's wand to freeze a candy that had melted in the sun- said the older one, trying to hold her laugh -It took three days to defrost the plate , and she still ate the candy- Urbosa burst out laughing while the princess laughed alike.

Then there was silence, the matriarch looked at her gently -I see you still don't get along with that voe, my little bird- she commented, the smile on Zelda faded while she looked at the ground -He hates me-

-Did he tell you directly? Has he made a bad face at you?- Urbosa asked, leaning a bit on one of the pillows, the young woman ran a finger over the colorful seams of the mat, her eyes fixed on the lively patterns-No ... But I know he hates me, all the princesses before me have managed to awaken their power before they were teenagers, and me? Soon I will turn 17 and I have not achieved anything. According to the royal court's seer, I'm the princess destined to stop the calamity but still I am the one who has been least able ... To do her part, he hates me for that, and there was that time where I yelled at him and-

-Zelda- called the gerudo taking her by the chin causing an eye contact -You are projecting your insecurities a lot on that boy, and you are only hurting yourself with that - Urbosa softened her expression, with the same hand she began to caress her cheek in a maternal way -You have worked very hard, you should recognize that ... All the champions follow you, because you are someone with an iron determination. I know that you will be able to awaken your power, but until that moment arrives, don't make assumptions about things that you do not know if they are true - she said.

It was already dusk, the princess seemed calmer, but she still didn't want to look Urbosa in the eyes for so long, she better diverted her attention to the Thunder Helm that rested next to them, the matriarch carried that object everywhere with her to prevent the Yiga clan put their hands on it.

-Maybe ...- she just said.

The older one rested Zelda's head on her shoulder while caressing the princess's blonde hair in a soft and tender gesture -Rest for a while, little bird, you deserve at least a couple of hours without carrying the world on your shoulders-

Lulled, Zelda was closing her eyes until she fell deeply asleep, Urbosa snapped her fingers, a gerudo general appeared in the place -Matriarch? -

-Tell the voe that accompanies the princess that he can escort us back to the city at nightfall- she ordered, still stroking the head of her protégée, as soon as the servant left, she made Naboris stand up and walk, positioning itself between the bazaar on the open road towards the Gerudo city.

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