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Penultimate chapter before the end.

Verloren: German word for "Lost".
Lost*, definition extracted from google: person who feels confused and unable to move forward in solving a problem or difficulty.
White: Color that generally symbolizes purity and divinity but can also mean mourning.

Glossary for this chapter:
Y/N: Your Name
N/A: Not Available
P.O.V: Point of View

___Y/N P.O.V___

They barely managed to separate me from Ordon's body that was lying motionless on the ground. Impa approached with a change of clothes in her hands, again with that look that we all knew well at that time: Desire to have answers that none of us had.

-There are legends of a fairy that could revive him... - she whispered as I took the change of clothes in my hands, still with tears in my eyes I shook my head -He had a horrible death because of me, I don't want to bring him back to suffer- mumbled with a broken voice.

I clenched my teeth and closed my eyes tightly as I listened to the employees working on Ordon's body, the royal advisor separated from me for a few moments, exchanged a barely audible dialogue with the person in charge, and came back depositing something metallic in my hands.

It was one of Ordon's horseshoes -He saved you by bringing you here so quickly, and whether in life or death, I'm sure Ordon will always be with you- she whispered, I forced myself to open my eyes -We will lose more lives from now on- I sentenced, devouring the sour taste of a bloody battle approaching, just like in the twilight era.

Impa remained serene and nodded -Let's try to lose as few as possible- she told me with a somewhat trembling voice.

The change of clothes consisted of a normal stealth suit, meanwhile, the sewing and restoration staff would take care of my uniform. The royal advisor escorted me to the library -Aren't we going to the throne room?- I asked.

But the white-haired woman did not respond, she began to touch the book shelves as if looking for something specific, soon one of the objects made a hollow sound at her touch, after seeing her make a couple of movements the bookshelf opened like a door revealing a small studio.

It was probably early morning but Rhoam was there, without any escort, he left the space without letting me see the interior of the place and walked towards me - Are you ready to give your report yet? - he asked, I nodded - I've been in Tabantha during these weeks, the monsters seem orchestrated and more organized than usual, creatures that are generally solitary worked as a team with the moblin or bokoblin, but their attacks were futile, I worked alongside the rito champion, Revali to put an end to their machinations- I said as I put my hands behind my back.

It was cold and the guilt for having lost Ordon as well as having lost the scarf invaded me. I had my eyes lowered, the torches lit the floor revealing some small rocks next to my feet, I heard the king meditate in a "hummm..." -What about the rest of the regions?-

-They have the same problem, and I have discussed action plans with the generals of the various tribes through letters... Before all this, I was going to go to supervise this type of plans in execution- I commented.

-When you arrived you told the royal advisor that Astor has returned- said the king at the end, I nodded, still not daring to look at him.

-He has a great interest in something he called the "Blood Moon" and he needs to perform a blood ritual with me to bring Ganon back- I finally raised my head to look at him -Is it possible to bring back the dead after so many centuries? - I asked with genuine concern, Rhoam remained calm, however he nodded slowly -He probably used the forbidden magic, I assume he will perform the ritual during the Blood Moon-

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