First Kiss

775 13 28

Glossary for this chapter:
N / A: Not available
P.O.V: Point of View
Y/ N: Your Name

___ N / A P.O.V ___

As soon as Kohga reached the Yiga's secret base, he went where the main altar was that was also their meeting place where he dropped Sebit on the ground who immediately bowed before him -Forget my clumsiness master Kohga, I promise that incident will not be repeated! - He exclaimed, pressing his forehead against the ground.

They were back in that room with the haunting tribute, old chairs and tables in front of the altar. In one of the corners, hiding in the shadows, Sooga was there with his arms crossed watching the newcomers, he bowed formally to Kohga as he entered the room.

-What could you find out while you were there? - Asked the leader going directly to the point, the young Yiga did not seem to mind being used in that way because he raised his head immediately -We believe that there is something inside the tunnels that some guards protect day and night, there's a ritualistic altar with forbidden magic runes- he commented -Merv, she was making compilation, but I separated from her as soon as we tried that attack on the princess- he added.

-Forbidden magic? asked Kohga, intrigued.

There were different types of magic in Hyrule, healing, elemental, sheikah, yiga, but the darkest arts where someone's life or soul was required as a catalyst entered into the "Forbidden" category, magic created by the Demise, the imprisoned, magic strengthened by gerudo witches who raised the mortal form of Ganon during the first Hylian civil war.

The Yiga had tried all kinds of techniques to try to carry out their plans to revive Ganon, however, since they discovered rituals of the forbidden techniques, things in the clan have become more tense.

They wanted to overthrow the crown, stain their blessed triforce with the royalty's blood, but ... What about innocent people? People outside the conflict, who didn't even serve the kingdom and just lived their lives.

If the masters of the past agreed on one thing, it was not to involve innocent people because the Yiga were born precisely from the hunt for the Sheikah during the technological revolution in the twilight era.

But ... Desperate measures for desperate situations, right?

Soon a red moon would take place, called "Blood Moon", a strange vestige of dark power that covered the celestial body and projected that same kind of forbidden magic on the kingdom in a heavy aura that could even increase the power in monsters. It emerged each couple of centuries, and according to the seers of the clan, the next would take place on the princess's seventeenth birthday.

-This could change everything, the crown using its own subjects to practice rituals?- Sooga asked intrigued.

They opened the door of the room, it was Astor who was holding a kind of orb that had a dark red and purple mist inside between his hands, but ... Hadn't the sorcerer died after that confrontation in the forest?

That was going to happen until Astor used his own soul as an exchange to merge with that darkness, that "malice". Would he still be himself? Something was certain, with a new knowledge through the darkness as well as a new body similar to the old one, the sorcerer dared to return to the lair of the allies that he manipulated and stabbed in the back.

Seeing him, Sooga drew his katana -Assassin!- He exclaimed, launching himself into the attack, but an invisible barrier stopped him as Astor continued walking calmly towards the others.

-I heard everything your little cockroach just said and I think I can propose a deal to fix the little frictions we've had- Astor said, addressing Kohga directly.

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