Leap of Faith: Good Ending 4/4

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"The great art of life is sensation, feeling that we exist, even in pain."
-Shirley Jackson.

Glossary for this chapter:
Y/n: your name
E/C: eye color
N/A: not available
P.O.V: Point of View

___N/A P.O.V___

"The fierce deity, is made by the collective feelings of a community, strong feelings that can transcend even beyond death, however, it is a powerful transformation that knows no limitations such as the terms of good or evil, it is power in a pure state that can endanger whoever that  has it"

While resting, y/n dreamed of the sheikah dance, the one that represented the goddesses and Hylia, but the dancers who danced in front of the ceremonial bonfire had no one else around.

The rest of the place was in complete darkness, there were only the four dancers who represented the goddesses and the spirits of light that used to protect Hyrule, that dance was one of the things that clung with nails to the memory of the sheikah.

He/She/They watched them dance, it was not a female or male dance, they moved like disembodied spirits in an invisible space, but very soon those dancers disappeared.

A humanoid being with white hair and eyes replaced their place, right where the dancer who represented Hylia was, they showed teeth full of fangs while letting out furious growls but the being did not touch a single hair of the bodyguard because they were being held from their extremities by four shiny and golden chains

A voice sounded, or at least it would be if those beings had a voice, it was more of a sensation, an instinct that could be translated into words inside y/n's head, the ends of the chains were not walls, floors or ceilings, their anchors were the spirits of light that once protected Hyrule during the twilight era.

"There was a disturbance in the order of things"

"It was you"

"We have witnessed what happened to the wise men"

"And what the fierce deity has done"

Y/n looked around, there was nothing, there was no one else, he/she/they tried to pinch the back of one hand and although he/she/they felt the pain immediately that didn't wake him/her/them up, Latoan, the spirit of the extinct region with the same name, had the aspect of the already non-existent goats of the town of Ordon, large horns came out of its head whose ends created a circular crown that had an orb of luminous energy.

"It's useless, you're not going to wake up so easily"

Listening inside his/her/their mind, y/n raised his/her/their head to find himself/herself/themself face to face with the mythical being.

"When mortals sleep, the borders of mortal souls expand to different planes" The spirit paused, not so long but long enough for the warrior to process what they said.

"Our original purpose was to prevent the Dark Interlopers from entering the realm of light, but the hero of those times subdued them long ago, and Princess Midna broke our only remaining link with the Twili... Our new task assigned by the priestess of that time was to watch over you"

The sheikah could not answer or comment on something, several images began to appear in his/her/their head, he/she/they could see himself/herself/themself in that battle in the gerudo canyon during the Naboris expedition.

He/She/They witnessed how he/she/they got up from a pool of blood during that accident in the desert. The Link of that era was on the ground full of wounds, about to receive the final blow by that Iron Knuckle, but he/she/they faced it on time and won.

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