The Reunion

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Glossary of this chapter:
Y / N: Your Name
P.O.V: Point of View

___Y/ N P.O.V ___

Before going back to those frozen mountains, he had to attend to a responsibility: answer Zelda's doubts and go to the rito ranch to see Ordon.

After catching my breath I got up completely upset, I couldn't help screaming into the air as I clenched my fists and closed my eyes tightly.

That damn jerk!

I perfectly knew what he meant by "End up like me" but I was aware that the accident wasn't my fault as he believed.

-Y / n? - I heard, Zelda was right on one of the high stairs near where I was, she looked extremely worried to see me that way, she was holding a small wooden box in her hands.

Even some Hylian soldiers or Rito guards were there, alarmed, believing that something had happened to me, I felt my cheeks heat up with grief -I-It's all in order friends! B-But thanks for your concern! - I exclaimed, some of them rolled their eyes in annoyance before leaving.

I approached the princess to help her carry the box and follow her in silence until I reached a cabin that was on the same level as the landing platform. There were two hammocks, curtains and even a wooden blind that worked as a door. Zelda opened this so that we could pass.

-Leave the box there, please- she asked me pointing to the circular mat in the middle, after obeying the princess she cleared her throat to get my attention -I ... I sincerely want you to stay a little longer, I must confess that ... You're the first intimate friend that I have had in many years -The princess whispered.

I lowered my gaze extremely embarrassed  -I promise to write to you, like f-friend to friend- I commented with a smile, Zelda instead took a somewhat nostalgic expression as she looked at the floor, tilting her head down

-Now that everything is ready, I suppose you're going to leave- she quickly approached with great determination -But promise me that you are going to write! - she exclaimed.

-F-For my honor ... erh- I looked around, she wanted an informal friendship, surely I should dare to no longer call her "Majesty" at least being alone -Z-Zelda- I finally said, the princess smiled extremely pleased -I'll wait anxiously.-

I said goodbye, it was night and she needed to rest, I went through the store to buy a couple of fruits and went down the bridges until reaching the rito ranch, Ordon was prowling around the fences, he wanted so much his freedom that even the owners resigned themselves to having him around, it even seemed like they had an equine guard.

As soon as Ordon saw me he approached and gave several neighs, he brought his nose close to examine my clothes, obviously looking for fruits -Ah! You don't greet me with this enthusiasm when I don't bring anything! You're an opportunist! - I exclaimed as taking out an apple that he immediately snatched from me and then put it on the ground and ate calmly.

-Greetings- I heard, peeking out of the interior of the place was the girl I found, she was in better condition but still seemed weak, her body was almost completely wrapped with bandages and was wearing a warm dress because it was the only type of garment that could be worn with ease and slight pain.

-Isha! - I called as approaching her -You should be resting, come, let me help you- I said while taking her carefully by the shoulders, she released from my grip abruptly -I can walk perfectly - Isha commented a bit annoyed by my way to treat her -I just came to invite you to dinner, or did you already eat?-

I shook my head. It was then that she stretched out her good hand to grab me by the poncho and force me inside, the ranch facility consisted of several beds for travelers, most of which were being occupied by the hylian soldiers as well as a couple of wooden tables with four chairs each.

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