The Letter

440 12 1

Glossary for this chapter:
T / N: Your Name
N / A: Not Available
P.O.V: Point of View

___ N / A P.O.V ___

Two travelers arrived at the entrance to the Yiga clan lair. They were interrogated by the same guards that Sooga had encountered a few years ago when the kidnapping of y/n was planned.

-One more step, or we'll cut your necks- warned one of the guards.

- "We served the kingdom once" - began to recite the youngest of the duo.

- "Now the kingdom will serve us" - completed the guards who lowered their weapons to give way - Sebit, Merv, we were not expecting you to come so soon - later commented the same guard who had threatened them when they revealed their uniforms and faces -You may have heard the news, I suppose- Merv replied as they walked inside the place.

-Sleeper was trapped by the royal family, now they have him/her/them in one of the safest dungeons in the castle- Sebit began to recap, the two Yiga entered and walked along the endless corridors sculpted in stone barely lit by a pair of torches, they had to present themselves before Master Kohga and Mr. Sooga, practically that result was their responsibility, they arrived to be in front of a pair of large dark mahogany doors that seemed to be extremely old, as soon as they pushed them the squeak of rusty metal resounded on the place.

It was a room with a gloomy atmosphere, there was an elongated table with only two chairs, one facing the other at each end, in front of that furniture, going up a couple of stairs was an altar of adoration with several candles placed that seemed to be the only source of light, that altar contained tons of forbidden magic amulets hanging around it, the energy all around didn't improve because that disturbing stranger who had visited Tarrey Town was there, Astor.

Sooga, who was wearing his uniform like Master Kohga, both turned to see the newcomers -Come in immediately!- Exclaimed their leader who was sitting in one of the chairs, Merv and Sebit entered and closed the door behind them, both bowed to their superiors -Master Kohga, we're sorry for what happened, we didn't believe that-

-Quiet! It was my fault for having believed that such inept could do such a simple mission- the master shouted, the two Yiga lowered their heads even more -We are sorry master- they said in unison -The Yiga do seem to be a group of useless people, but having the same devotion that we have towards Ganon that is why I have not broken our agreement- they heard, it was Astor who was sitting in the chair on the other side with a glass of red wine in front of him but he haven't touched it.

Sooga placed a hand to the hilt of his katana while Kohga slammed his hands against the table -We can exterminate you at any time and find ways to create Demise's amber with someone else! You're only here because you promised to do that job for free in exchange for a favor!- He exclaimed.

-In exchange for you to fulfill my favors- stressed the sorcerer, the flames of the candles danced creating a trembling shadow on the face of the man who stretched his pale hand to push the glass of wine away from him -But having let y/n go apparently it's going to hinder my—...I mean, our goal, if only I had known before, I would have killed someone who already deserved to be dead from the start just for violating the rules of nature with his/her/their longevity-

His tone was bitter, Sooga pursed his lips and frowned knowing that the expression of disagreement was covered by his mask -He/She/They is a powerful ally! He/She/They probably infiltrated the castle to try to kill the princess with his/her/their bare hands! - Kohga tried to excuse, stretching his hand theatrically towards the image on the altar whose image to worship was an ancient engraving of the beastly form of Ganon, with his open jaws and enraged eyes, a drawing as old as that same hidden city.

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