The Discovery

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Glossary of this chapter:

N / A: Not available / Not available.
POV point of view.
N / A P.O.V: There is no point of view.
Y/N: Your name.

_____ N / A P.O.V _____

The Hebra region was as cold as ever, the only one capable of exploring beyond the frozen mountains, the plains covered by meters of snow was Revali; A young rito, a species that had the complexion of huge birds, with some humanoid features. His indigo blue feathers reflected in the icy sun while he was gently soaring through the cold sky.

He was crossing the slope of the icefall Foothills near the top of Hebra North Summit -This climate is pretty cold for the little ones, the mountains beyond already belong to the neighboring kingdom-

The rito were one of the "newest" species to reside in the kingdom of Hyrule therefore they were more conservative than the rest of their neighbours, they sought to expand since little by little the population increased over the years, they couldn't go the other ways besides the colt mountains because they ran into a long row of canyons that seemed to have been designed by nature to keep them isolated.

Revali continued making his way through the snow, a slight blizzard began that signaled the beginning of something bigger, flying in that weather would be a fatal mistake, he landed and sneezed before starting to walk -My beak is frozen, damn it- he tried to cover it with his cream-colored scarf while he still went cautiously across the terrain.

-No one else can do this task, I'm the only one, let's keep going- the wind blew filling his feathers with snow, his body was trembling by the time that the blizzard grew -I must seek shelter- he hastened his step and went through steep slopes, the snow became more and more hostile.

At the distance he could sight out a pair of white foxes gathering in the start of a cleft, those little animals exchanged a couple of signals and sounds before going down it "If I find their shelter, I will be able to pass the storm without problem, they usually go to the safer areas " the rito concluded and waited a little longer, he started to ran quickly, propelling his steps using his wings in slight flaps on the ground.

When he reached that low ground, he found those foxes again; They immediately hid in their burrows nearby, but it was not those creatures that caught his attention, but two huge frozen stone doors standing in front of him.

The engravings on the imposing doors were ancient, something there was calling him, despite the time, from the snow, there seemed to be a brightness that didn't come from natural light, it was a barely perceptible soft emission, he would have sworn that the mysterious thing was from a neighbor kingdom until he saw the engraving of the Sheika's eye at the middle of where it was supposed to "push" to open them.

Revali smiled a little when he saw his new discovery, he would already have a place to train, a "Flight Range" after having won that archery competition from a few months ago, but that would take about a year to complete, he wanted a place to be alone, that place was probably his answer.

-Well. What do we have here? One of those places abandoned by the Sheikah- "How many things abandoned by them I haven't found, those guys are incredibly irresponsible with their things" he thought at the same time as a joke.

As soon as the storm ended, the rito marked that newly found place on his map, he would tell the Elder of the village, Kaneli and then he would give the news to the Sheikah who served the royal crown, Revali was about to go away and then return more prepared but he couldn't.


He immediately took down his Falcon Bow, a common weapon among the high-ranking warriors of his village -Who said that? - The tiny foxes went out from their refuge and ran away when hearing that the rito was still there, he was alone now, there was no one, there was nothing.

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